在多年的教学实践及理论研究基础上提出了在高等数学教学中应大力提倡和广泛应用的方法——直观性教学法 ,即在教学过程中运用各种手段在概念、定理、证明、解题中突出其直观性 ,培养学生的数学直觉 ,提高其数学文化素质 .直观性教学法可以培养学生学习兴趣 ,提高记忆品质 ,提高学习效率 .本文先从数学的本质及人类思想的规律两方面理论上论证了直观性教学法的可行性 ,又从高等数学的教材及教学两方面实际论证了直观性教学法的必要性 .
The author urges that intuitionist teaching way should be strongly advocated and widely used through the process of higher mathematic teaching based on her teaching practice and theoretical studying. This way means that we should use every means to emphasize the mathematic intuition in teaching process including presenting definition, setting and proving theorems and solving problems. Firstly this paper gives theoretical proofs to show the feasibility of such a way by insight of the essentialness of mathematic and thinking law of mankind, then gives practical proofs to show the necessary of such a way by text book and practice teaching, three teaching cases are given at last to demonstrate what is the intuitional method.
College Mathematics