通过对CW1 2 0 0 0智能型万能式断路器的分析 ,提出了该产品可靠性特征量及指标。根据试验结果 ,对操作机构、欠压脱扣器和合闸电磁铁中的累积试验时间、累积故障数及平均无故障时间等数据进行了可靠性分析。结果表明 :产生故障的主要原因是由振动和疲劳引起的。
On the basis of the analysis of CW1 2000 intelligent air circuit breaker, the assessment specifications of the reliability of the products were presented. According to test results, the reliability analysis on the data of accumulative test time, accumulative failure number of times and average non failure time in the operative mechanism, under voltage release and electromagnet to switch on were carried out. The test results indicate that the failure are caused mainly by vibration and fatigue. The improvement measures are given, and the practical test proved that it is more effective for the products.
Low Voltage Apparatus