五年制大专学前教育专业是特定历史时期高等教育体系中的特定学制 ,是我国师范教育改革过程中的特例。针对这一特殊学制的存在和发展 ,认真研究五年制学前教育大专课程体系的建构 ,准确把握五年制的培养目标、规格、人才质量标准等 ,有着极其重要的现实意义和深远的影响。本文试图对五年制学前教育大专课程体系的建构作探讨研究 。
The major of five-year preschool education in a training school is a special major during the special historcial period of higher education,and a special example in the course of the educational reform.In face of this special major,we should carefully study the strcutune of the curriculum system for the training school of five-year preschool education,and set up the goals,standands and gualities of the students.And this can be of a far-reaching practical siguficance and deep influence.The anthor of this article has made a trcial nesearch of the curriculum system and trieal to make it a new one.
Journal of Kunming Teachers College