The paper has explored the dual dimensions of smart customs construction,analyzing the strategic significance of effectively aligning smart customs with international rules on customs govern-ance It has identified the main current issues and challenges and provided recommendations for achieving effective alignment The study concludes that such alignment is beneficial to ensure steady pro-gress in smart customs construction,promote the application of best regulatory practices,and advance the modernization of the customs governance system and capabilities The findings reveal that there are still issues and challenges in aligning smart customs construction with international rules on customs gov-ernance,particularly regarding data security and privacy protection,inconsistencies in laws and institu-tional frameworks,and the need to strengthen international cooperation This paper puts forward meas-ures including formulating and promoting international standards,enhancing technological capabilities and capacity building,ensuring data security and privacy protection,and improving the coordination of policies and regulations to foster effective alignment between smart customs construction and international rules on customs governance,thereby advancing smart customs construction and high-qual-ity development in China.
Journal of Customs and Trade
Smart Customs
International Customs Governance
Rule Connection
Customs Modernization