

Professor Zhao Haibin’s experience in syndrome differentiation and treatment of chronic arrhythmia combined with depression based on“yin and yang are in balance,and the spirit is in order”theory
摘要 缓慢性心律失常合并抑郁是常见的双心疾病,中医药治疗效果显著。中医“双心学说”创立者赵海滨教授认为,心之体分心阴心阳,心之用为心主血脉而藏神志,在生理状态下,心之“阴平阳秘,精神乃治”,心阴心阳合和,方能正常维持心用,使血脉调而神明安;在病理状态下,心之阴阳失衡,多易“阳常不足,阴常有余”,心阳亏虚,因虚致郁,或阳不化阴,因实致郁而发病。治疗上赵教授主张“密阳强心,运脉明神”以治其本,“通滞平阴,祛瘀安神”以疗其标,擅用经方合自拟双心方加减,效果颇佳。本文旨在总结赵教授从“阴平阳秘,精神乃治”辨证论治缓慢性心律失常合并抑郁经验,以期为双心疾病的中医药治疗开拓思路。 Chronic arrhythmia combined with depression is a common double heart disease in clinical practice,and the treatment effect of traditional Chinese medicine is significant.Professor Zhao Haibin,the founder of the“double heart theory”of traditional Chinese medicine,believes that the body of the heart is distracted yin and yang,and the heart is used to govern the blood and store the mind,under the physiological state,“yin and yang are in balance,and the spirit is in order”,the balance of heart yin and heart yang can maintain the normal use of heart,and make the blood flow unobstructed and the gods hidden;in the pathological state,the imbalance of yin and yang of the heart is often easy to“yang is often insufficient,yin is often more than”,the heart yang deficiency,due to deficiency depression,or yang does not transform yin,due to stagnation and disease.In terms of treatment,Professor Zhao advocates that“dense yang strong heart,moving pulse ming god”to treat its root cause,“clearing stagnation and suppressing yin,removing blood stasis and calming the spirit”to heal its manifestation.Classical prescription combined with self-designed Shuangxin Fang addition and subtraction,clinical effect proved remarkable.The purpose of this paper is to summarize Professor Zhao’s experience in syndrome differentiation and treatment of chronic arrhythmias combined with depression from the perspective of“yin and yang are in balance,and the spirit is in order”,in order to develop ideas for traditional Chinese medicine treatment of double heart disease.
作者 胡冉冉 赵海滨 HU Ranran;ZHAO Haibin(The Second Clinical Medical College,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing100078,China;Department of Cardiology,Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing100078,China)
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2024年第29期140-144,共5页 China Medical Herald
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(82174332)。
关键词 双心疾病 缓慢性心律失常 抑郁 阴平阳秘 精神乃治 双心方 经方 Double heart disease Chronic arrhythmia Depression Yin and yang are in balance The spirit is in order Shuangxin Fang Classical prescription
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