

A Study on Souliéde Morant’s Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures
摘要 学界通常将苏利耶·德·莫朗的《聊斋志异》英译本视为“伪翻译”,即译者的译文不仅偏离原著太远,更是将自己创作的作品夹杂在译本之中。文章首先厘清吉迪恩·图里和杰尔吉·拉多对“伪翻译”的阐释,继而探讨译者的翻译策略和翻译底本。研究发现,莫朗《聊斋志异》译本并非“伪翻译”,一方面由于译者注重译本文学性的呈现,因此在翻译时大幅改编某些篇目,以致底本难辨。而另一方面,译者很可能将《聊斋志异》和与其相似的志怪小说混为一谈,除选译《聊斋志异》以外,译本所用底本还包括《剪灯新话》《客窗闲话》《女聊斋志异》《子不语》。希望能正本清源,为《聊斋志异》以及其它志怪小说在英语世界的传播与研究做出贡献。 The English translation of Liaozhai Zhiyi(Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures)by Souliéde Morant is claimed to be a psuedo⁃translation,as it not only deviates significantly from the source text,but also it mixes Morant’s own creation into his translation.This paper first clarifies Gideon Toury and György Radó’s interpretations of“pseudo⁃translation,”and then discusses the translator’s translation strategies and examines the source texts.It is found that Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures is not a psuedo⁃translation.On one hand,as Morant attempts to convey the literariness in the translation,some passages are rewritten greatly,which makes it difficult to identify the original texts.On the other hand,the translator seems to associate Liaozhai Zhiyi with other similar Chinese supernatural tales.In addition to selections from Liaozhai Zhiyi,the other original texts used by the translator are Jiandeng Xinhua(New Tales by the Oil Lamp),Kechuang Xianhua(Stories at an Guest’s Window),Nv Liaozhai Zhiyi(Strange Tales about Women from a Chinese Studio)and Zi Buyu(Censored by Confucius:Ghost Stories of Yuanmei).It is hoped that this research may contribute to the dissemination and study of Liaozhai Zhiyi and other Chinese supernatural pieces in the English world.
作者 王文强 Wang Wenqiang
出处 《中国文化研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期140-150,共11页 Chinese Culture Research
基金 2023年度安徽省哲学社会科学规划青年项目“《文选》在英语世界的翻译与研究”(AHSKQ2023D145)的阶段性成果。
关键词 莫朗 《聊斋志异》 伪翻译 翻译策略 底本 Morant Strange Stories from the Lodge of Leisures pseudo⁃translation translation strategies source texts
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