

A Study of Huang Yanpei’s Political Tendency on the Eve of Victory in the War of Resistance against Japan Aggression Based on His Diary
摘要 1945年年初,国内外形势急剧变化,抗战胜利的曙光隐现,民主的呼声日益高涨。彼时国共双方就是否建立民主联合政府等问题进行了多轮磋商。作为民盟领导人,彼时黄炎培多次在报纸上发表宣言表明态度,通过邀餐、座谈等形式促进国共双方谈判代表深入交流,敦促国民政府接受组建民主联合政府的主张,以期实现国共两党和平共处与民主建国。黄炎培在日记中较完整地记录了抗战胜利前夕其政治倾向在调和国共两党关系的活动中而逐渐转变的过程。在这一过程中,黄炎培不断加深对国共两党政治主张的认识,而延安之行让他就民主团结等问题与中共领导人深入交流,同时亲身体验到中共的政治作风和延安的欣欣向荣景象,将国共两党进行直观的对比,从而对中共的好感逐渐增加,政治上也逐步倾向中共。 At the beginning of 1945,the situation at home and abroad changed dramatically,the dawn of victory in the War of Resistance against Japan Aggression loomed,and the call for democracy grew louder.At that time,both the Chinese Nationalist Party(CNP)and the Communist Party of China(CPC)held multiple rounds of consultations on whether to establish a democratic coalition government.As a leader of the China Democratic League,Huang Yanpei repeatedly issued a declaration in the newspaper to show his attitude,promoted in-depth exchanges between the negotiators of the CNP and the CPC through invited meals and discussions,and urged the national government to accept the proposition of forming a democratic coalition government,in order to realize the peaceful coexistence of the two parties and the democratic founding of the country.Huang Yanpei recorded in his diary the gradual change of his political tendency in the activities of reconciling the relationship between the CNP and the CPC on the eve of victory in the War of Resistance against Japan Aggression.During this process Huang Yanpei continuously deepened his understanding of the political propositions of the CNP and the CPC.His visit to Yan’an allowed him to have in-depth exchanges with leaders of the CPC on issues such as democratic unityandhe also experienced firsthand the political style of the CPC and the thriving scene of Yan’an.This direct comparison between the two parties gradually increased his favorable impression of the CPC,leading him to become politically inclined towards it.
作者 董劭伟 王雨晴 DONG Shaowei;WANG Yuqing(Marxism School,Northeastern University at Qinhuangdao,Qinhuangdao 066004,China)
出处 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第6期76-82,共7页 Journal of Yanshan University:Philosophy and Social Science
基金 2024年教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目资助“从红色日记看人民军队日常政治工作运行机制及当代启示(1945—1949)”(24YJAZH021)。
关键词 国共关系 《黄炎培日记》 黄炎培 政治倾向 抗战胜利前夕 relationship between the Chinese Nationalist Party and the Communist Party of China Huang Yanpei’s diary Huang Yanpei political tendency the eve of victory in the War of Resistance against Japan Aggression
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