
论《民法典》视野下夫妻之间物权变动的体系构造 被引量:1

The System Constructed for Property Rights Transfer between Spouses from the Perspective of the Civil Code of PRC
摘要 我国民法典的颁布实施使商品世界与家庭生活得以在形式上被统合。婚姻家庭编的基本价值立场是婚姻保护,物权变动的首要制度理性是交易安全。夫妻之间物权变动规则的构建应当在婚姻保护与交易安全之间体现民法典逻辑与价值的体系协调。我国民法典第1062条规定“夫妻共同所有”应解释为夫妻共同共有,并通过善意取得保护交易安全。夫妻财产制契约仍然属于基于法律行为发生的物权变动。婚内财产分割协议实质上是夫妻财产制契约的限定共同制类型。夫妻之间对价值较大的特定财产的给予属于目的赠与,物权的变动规则需遵循债权形式主义。离婚财产分配协议应当遵循基本的物权变动规则,其标的是夫妻共有或婚姻关系存续期间取得的不动产,如果登记在夫妻一方,另一方配偶(案外人)作为夫妻共有财产的实际权利人,可以类推适用《最高人民法院关于人民法院办理执行异议和复议案件若干问题的规定》第28条的规定,对抗给予方普通金钱的债权人的强制执行。 The enactment and enforcement of the Civil Code have facilitated the formal fusion of the commercial realm and family life.The fundamental value stance on marriage and family planning revolves around safeguarding marriage,while the key institutional rationale for property rights transfer centers on ensuring transaction security.The formulation of rules governing property rights transfer between spouses should embody a harmonious blend of the principles and values enshrined in the Civil Code,balancing marriage and transaction security.The"property jointly owned by husband and wife"in Article 1062 of the Civil Code should be interpreted as ownership shared by both spouses,and can be acquired in good faith by a third party in order to protect transaction security.Marital property contracts remain rooted in property rights transfer.The essence of a marital property division agreement lies in its classification as a limited form of joint marital property contract.The giving of specific high-value assets between spouses is considered as a purposeful gift,and rules governing such property rights transfer should follow the principle of expression of will.In cases of divorce,property division agreement shall be subject to the fundamental rules of property rights transfer,as the subject matter is the immovable property jointly owned by the husband and wife or acquired during the existence of the marriage relationship.If one spouse is registered as the owner of jointly held property while the other(or a third party)holds the actual rights,Article 28 of the"Provisions on Execution Objections and Reconsideration"can be applied by analogy to resist the compulsory execution of creditors who give money to the other party.
作者 冉克平 Ran Keping
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《比较法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期122-135,共14页 Journal of Comparative Law
关键词 物权变动 夫妻法定财产制 夫妻约定财产制 离婚财产分配 执行异议之诉 transfer of property rights statutory property system for spouses property system agreed upon by husband and wife property division in divorce lawsuit of objection to execution
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