
自由化与壁垒:日本经贸规则的策略性调整 被引量:1

Liberalization and Barriers:The Strategic Adjustment of Japan’s Economic and Trade Rules
摘要 国家(经济体)的经贸规则既包括所签署的贸易协定,也包括与进出口贸易和投资相关的法律法规。日本以提高产业国际竞争力为前提开展自由贸易,并形成在国际贸易体系下,以利于产业生存与发展为前提,推动贸易投资自由化的贸易政策范式,为日本调整经贸规则提供了方向和目标。日本通过调整经贸规则,为实施战略性贸易政策提供制度保障和工具。日本政府一方面高举“自由贸易”旗帜开展巨型EPA/FTA战略,构建多重经济合作网络,为企业提供海外发展所需的制度基础和市场环境;另一方面以“国家安全”为名修改《外汇法》、制定《经济安全保障推进法》,强化货物、服务、技术的进出口和投资规制,为实施贸易保护提供政策工具,形成新壁垒。这一策略性组合是在新约束条件下实施战略性贸易政策的新表现和采用的新工具。 By adjusting economic and trade rules,Japan has provided institutional safeguards and tools for the implementation of strategic trade policies.On the one hand,the Japanese government carries out a huge EPA/FTA strategy under the banner of“free trade”,builds a multi-level economic cooperation network,and creates an institutional foundation and market environment necessary for the development of enterprises.On the other hand,in the name of“national security”,Japan amended the Foreign Exchange Act and enacted the Economic Security Promotion Act to strengthen the regulation of import and export of goods,services and technologies and investment,and to provide policy tools for the implementation of the trade protection policy and to form new barriers.Japan’s outward-oriented economy is not international but nationalistic.Through a strategic combination of trade liberalization policies and trade protection policies,Japan enhances the competitive advantages of enterprises,supports Japanese enterprises in international trade to transfer profits from foreign manufacturers to domestic manufacturers and maximizes relative benefits in international trade.
作者 平力群 PING Liqun
出处 《东北亚学刊》 2024年第4期85-103,148,共20页 Journal of Northeast Asia Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“制度变迁与日本经济现代化研究(1868—1978)”(21BJL023)。
关键词 日本 经贸规则 EPA/FTA战略 经济合作网络 经济安全 壁垒 Japan economic and trade rules EPA/FTA strategy economic cooperation networks economic security barriers
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