China and the United States are in a comprehensive competition in the field of artificial intelligence and this is not an ordinary innovative science and technology race that we are familiar with in the past,but the super competition of GPT technology,the most important general-purpose technology for human beings in a hundred years.The explosive development of generative AI applications such as ChatGPT and Sora and the strong rise of Nvidia mark the full mainstreaming of a new round of GPT technology led by artificial intelligence.The gradual escalation and constant adjustment of the US sci-tech war against China is increasingly shifting from semiconductor in the early stage to artificial intelligence.To study and judge the trend of this round of competition between China and the United States and how China can formulate a correct response strategy,we must have a deep understanding of the essential characteristics and internal laws of artificial intelligence as the most decisive GPT technology for a long period of time in the future.Especially in the context of the United States leading a new wave of generative artificial intelligence innovation and heightening its efforts to curb China's access to artificial intelligence technology and product innovation,how we make a correct judgment on the situation and technological development will directly determine the future competition between China and the United States and affect the reshaping of the global pattern.