

Professor WANG Yue’s experience in treating Sjogren’s syndrome from the aspects of dryness,deficiency and stasis
摘要 干燥综合征是一种以淋巴细胞增殖和进行性外分泌腺损伤为特征的慢性、系统性自身免疫性疾病,其临床表现为口眼干、皮肤干燥、反复发作的腮腺肿胀及关节疼痛,起病较为隐匿,疾病发展到后期导致多系统损伤,危害较大,严重影响患者生活质量。作为风湿免疫科常见的疾病之一,其病机较为复杂,主要的特点是本虚标实错杂,病机归因于素体禀赋不足,脏腑虚损,易外感燥邪,内外合邪,津液运化、输布失常,阴损及阳,阴阳失衡,导致疾病缠绵难愈。汪悦教授认为“燥、虚、瘀”是本病的主要病理因素,病理机制以燥为标,阴虚或气阴两虚为本,且病程中每多夹瘀。治疗原则为润肺、清胃、泄肝先治其标,养肺、健脾、补肝肾以固其本,兼以活血化瘀、通脉行滞。在治疗病理因素的同时,以宣肺布津、增液润肠的“肺肠合治法”治疗干燥综合征,从整体观念、脏腑理论出发,统筹全局,一方面促进津液的生成,另一方面促进津液的输布,使肺与大肠在津液的输布上相互协同,共同恢复机体津充液沛的状态。文章从汪悦教授治疗干燥综合征的机制出发,总结汪悦教授治疗干燥综合征的常用方药及笔者的感悟,通过一则验案体现汪悦教授临证治疗的思路,最后汇总全文的脉络及汪悦教授治疗干燥综合征的特点,以期能更好地传承导师经验,并指导临床实践。 Sjoegren’s syndrome(SS)is a chronic,systemic autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocyte proliferation and progressive damage to the exocrine glands.The clinical manifestations are dry mouth and eyes,dry skin,repeated parotid gland swelling and joint pain.The onset of the disease is relatively hidden,and the disease can cause multisystem damage in its later stage,with greater damage,and the patient’s quality of life is affected.The principle of treatment is to moisten the lung,cleanse the stomach and empty the liver to treat superficial symptoms,and nourish the lung,strengthen the spleen and tonify the liver and kidney to strengthen the foundation.At the same time,in treating the pathological factors,the professor proposes the lung-gut combination therapy to treat SS,which can release the body fluid,increase the fluid to moisten the intestine,and promote the fluid infusion,so that the lung and the large intestine are interactice in the fluid delivery to restore fluid-rich state.Based on the mechanism of Professor WANG Yue’s treatment of SS,this article summarizes the prescriptions and medicines commonly used by Professor WANG Yue in the treatment of SS,as well as the author’s perception.At the end,the author summarizes the full text and characteristics of Professor WANG Yue’s treatment of SS to better share the tutor’s experience and guide clinical practice.
出处 《中医临床研究》 2024年第8期140-143,共4页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202210315095Z) 江苏省研究生实践创新计划(SJCX22_0729)。
关键词 干燥综合征 名医经验 Sjogren syndrome Dryness Deficiency Stasis Famous doctors’s experience
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