
新旅游资源观下的乡村旅游地耕地多功能权衡/协同关系研究——以江西省中源乡为例 被引量:1

Research on the trade-offs/synergies of multifunctional cultivatedland in rural tourism destinations from a new perspective on tourism resources:A case study of Zhongyuan township,Jiangxi province
摘要 揭示乡村旅游地耕地多功能权衡/协同关系,可拓展耕地资源理论认知的多维性,深化耕地资源有序利用的多样性。以江西省典型乡村旅游地中源乡为例,在格网尺度上开展耕地多功能定量评价、影响因素及权衡/协同分析。结果表明:(1)研究期内,耕地综合功能及文化功能指数上升,但生产、生活、生态功能指数下降。(2)在快速发展期,耕地多功能空间格局分异主要受自然条件因子之间的交互影响,而巩固发展期自然条件、空间区位及旅游发展因子共同交互作用愈发明显。(3)耕地多功能之间的权衡关系不明显、协同关系普遍,并且随着乡村旅游地发展阶段由快速发展期迈入巩固发展期,耕地多功能之间协同度最高也由“生产—生活”转为“生产—文化”。 The rapid development of rural tourism not only induces changes in the morphologyof cultivated land utilization but also propels the structural transformation of cultivated land usefunctions.The focus on the diverse uses of traditional resources is highlighted by the new per‐spectives on tourism resources,supporting the idea that cultivated land provides multiple func‐tions in rural destinations.Our research employs the trade-off/synergistic perspective to investi‐gate the sustainable development issue resulting from the multifunctional transformation of cul‐tivated land during the evolution of rural tourism destinations.To do an empirical study for thisaim,we chose Zhongyuan township in Jiangxi province.First,by building an index system,wequantitatively measured the multifunctional level of cultivated land.Next,we used a geograph‐ic detector to analyze the factors that influence the multifunctional level of cultivated land.Fi‐nally,we used the Sperman rank correlation coefficient to analyze the trade-off/synergistic rela‐tionships.The results show that:(1)During the period,the indexes of comprehensive functionand cultural function of cultivated land increased,but those of production,living and ecologicalfunction decreased.(2)During the age of rapid development,natural factors primarily influencethe multi-functionality of cultivated land in rural tourism destinations.As for the stable consoli‐dation phase,the supply capacity of recreational facilities and transportation services has a no‐ticeable impact,and the degree of factor interaction varies.(3)Although there is often a syner‐gistic relationship,there is rarely a clear trade-off relationship between the many functions ofcultivated land.The highest level of synergy between the several functions of cultivated landhas shifted from"production-life"to"production-culture",as a result of the fast development ofrural tourism destinations that are now entering the stage of consolidation and development.The theoretical goal of our research is to sh
作者 徐国良 赵婵娟 刘钰 万沛钰 XU Guo-liang;ZHAO Chan-juan;LIU Yu;WAN Pei-yu(School of Public Finance&Public Administration,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China;Xingan County Natural Resources Bureau,Ji'an City,Jiangxi Province,Ji'an 331300,Jiangxi,China)
出处 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期804-822,共19页 Journal of Natural Resources
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42161047) 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(GJJ200532)。
关键词 耕地多功能 权衡/协同 乡村旅游地 新旅游资源观 multi-function of cultivated land trade-offs/synergies rural tourism destination new perspective on tourism resources
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