

Leisure’s Nature of Freedom in Modern Society
摘要 随着时代的发展,休闲的概念与内涵逐渐复杂化。如何理解休闲的自由属性存有不同观点。一方面,现代社会语境之中产生了休闲悖论,即休闲的自由性与制约性之间的对立,前者指向现代社会休闲选择的丰富性,后者则强调社会结构等对休闲的钳制。另一方面,自20世纪60年代以来,心理学、实证主义等开始主导休闲研究,感知自由逐渐被接受为对休闲中自由的解释,它指向一种纯主观感受的自由。实际上,休闲在现代社会的意义需要基于现代社会语境进行讨论,其自由属性表现在不同层面,既包括了对劳动的逃离,也指向现代生产和消费体系中的自由选择,更是人之为人的自由发展过程。休闲并非简单地等同于自由,而是个体在社会框架内发挥能动性,于分有自由中获得自由,休闲中的自由与非自由辩证统一。在现代社会语境中,个体通过发挥主体能动性与增进休闲启蒙,可以使休闲成为个人自由全面发展的重要路径。 In our modern society,leisure and leisure choices are abundant.Some scholars,therefore,argue that there is an expansion of freedom in leisure.Individual desires give rise to a flourishing leisure industry and various leisure opportunities,and leisure means freedom.Others contend that one cannot escape the constraints of social structures.Factors such as class,economic status,and race firmly differentiate individual leisure choices and leisure remains a socially constructed symbol in the modern society.These two views represent the debate of the modern“leisure paradox”of whether leisure is free or constrained.It should be noted though:in the former case,the prevalence of consumerism has transformed the freedom of leisure into the freedom of consumption;in the latter case,the power of individual agency has been largely ignored.At the same time,with social psychology and positivism leading the way in leisure studies since the 1960s,a purely subjective sense of“perceived freedom”was increasingly accepted as the understanding of freedom in leisure.But this purely subjective sense of freedom tends to reduce leisure to an individualized private sphere and reduce the possibilities of the communal benefits that leisure could achieve at a larger and higher level.It is argued in this paper that in the modern society leisure remains inextricably linked to the production-based essentialism of labor.Therefore,the first dimension of freedom in leisure is that of escape(free from).The second dimension of freedom in leisure as a choice is the result of the entry of free time into consumption,free to leisure in one’s free time.The third dimension of freedom in leisure is the process towards being human,the extent to which one can accomplish this is based on the highest possibility of personal development offered by the development of the level of productivity in the modern society.It is at this level that the human being as a person can break through the limitations of the times.Freedom in leisure is achieved through the
作者 刘慧梅 陈献 Liu Huimei;Chen Xian(School of Philosophy,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China;Academy of Leisure Studies and Art Philosophy,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China)
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期129-137,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(72274171) 浙江省新型重点专业智库杭州国际城市学研究中心浙江省城市治理研究中心、浙江大学休闲学与艺术哲学研究院、浙江省休闲学会课题(22CSX05)。
关键词 现代社会休闲 自由 制约 感知自由 能动性 休闲启蒙 leisure in modern society freedom constraint perceived freedom agency leisure enlightenment
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