
“数据飞轮效应”:数字政府建设实现整体智治的内在机理 被引量:8

“Flywheel Effect”:How Does the Construction of Digital Government Promote the Realization of Holistic Intelligent Governance?
摘要 数字政府建设何以实现整体智治是当前学界讨论的重要议题,既有研究囿于技术创新和组织变革两大路径,对于数字政府建设如何统摄技术与组织的解释略显不足。本文引入飞轮效应解释框架,通过对江苏省A市城市治理数字化转型的纵向单案例分析,研究发现:数据飞轮效应是数字政府建设实现整体智治的关键机制,地方政府通过启动阶段的高位推动、转动阶段的体制微调、加速阶段的场景赋能以及惯性阶段的平台运作,形成“数据(归集)→底座(融合)→场景(转化)→平台(循环)→数据(再归集)”的自我加速与运转过程。该建构过程蕴含多个主体的不同行动逻辑:党政主要领导为推动数据汇聚传递数字化转型信号所遵循的政治逻辑;政府职能部门为统一数据底座实现数据融合所遵循的科层逻辑;技术部门与职能部门为释放数据潜力建构场景回应治理问题所遵循的技术逻辑;指挥中心为发挥数据飞轮效应协调各方主体所遵循的平台逻辑。不同逻辑的互动调适促进技术与组织的良性共生,最终迈向整体智治的城市治理新形态。 How the construction of digital government can realize the holistic intelligent governance is an important research question.Extensive studies mainly attempt to answer this question from two perspectives:technological innovation and organizational reform,however little attention had been paid on how technological innovation and organizational change interacted with each other in the construction process of digital government.Based on the flywheel effect framework,this paper conducted a longitudinal single case about the digital government construction process of city A.It was found that the data flywheel effect can be seen as a key mechanism through which the construction of digital government can achieve the result of holistic intelligent governance.It can be divided into four stages:the first stage was to integrate data through the promotion of politicians;the second stage was to promote data fusion through bureaucratic systems,the third stage was to empower functional departments through identifying application scenarios of technology,and the fourth stage was to promote further data fusion through data platforms.It was noted that different stakeholders followed different logic during the construction process of digital government:politicians followed the political logic when promoting data integration;functional departments followed the bureaucratic logic when promoting data fusion;technical departments followed the technical logic when identifying the application scenarios of technology;and the big data center followed the platform logic when coordinating other stakeholders.Only when different stakeholders can interact well rather than conflict with each other,can the construction of digital government achieve the result of holistic intelligent governance.
作者 王英 魏姝 吴少微 Wang Ying;Wei Shu;Wu Shaowei(School of Government,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)
出处 《中国行政管理》 北大核心 2023年第6期61-72,共12页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“社会科学影响公共政策的历史、机制与中国路径研究”(编号:21&ZD174) 江苏省社科基金青年项目“专业化视角下江苏公务员分类管理改革研究”(编号:18GLC009)。
关键词 数字政府建设 整体智治 平台逻辑 数据飞轮效应 digital government holistic intellectual governance platform logic flywheel effect
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