
引导自助干预在慢性病管理中的应用进展 被引量:3

Application of guided self-help intervention in chronic disease management:a review
摘要 介绍引导自助干预的概念、分类、内容形式及优点,系统综述引导自助干预在癌症、慢性疼痛、糖尿病及抑郁症等慢性病患者管理中的应用进展,并提出研究展望,旨在为临床慢性病患者引导自助干预治疗提供参考。 This paper introduces the concept,classification,content,form and advantages of guided self-help intervention,syste-matically reviews the application progress of guided self-help intervention in the management of patients with chronic diseases,such as cancer,chronic pain,diabetes and depression,and puts forward research prospects,aiming to provide references for conducting guided self-help intervention in clinical patients with chronic diseases.
作者 刘小菲 刘艳丽 周丽君 魏齐斐 张奇 罗姣 王鑫源 胡重蝶 李洋洋 侯富文 Liu Xiaofei;LiuYanli;Zhou Lijun;Wei Qifei;Zhang Qi;Luo Jiao;Wang Xinyuan;Hu Chongdie;Li Yangyang;Hou Fuwen(School of Nursing,Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第16期125-128,共4页 Journal of Nursing Science
基金 2020年度山东省重点研发计划软科学项目(2020RKB14087)。
关键词 引导自助干预 慢性病管理 心理治疗 自我管理干预 心理社会干预 综述文献 guided self-help intervention chronic disease management psychotherapy self-management intervention psychosocial intervention review
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