

On The Zhou-Han Architectural Transformation of Ancestral Temples in Shape and Layout
摘要 据考古发现,周代宗庙整体坐北向南,院落内建筑呈“品”字形分布,其中主体建筑多为前朝后寝的“凹”字形,院落南墙正中有门塾,东、西墙或留侧门。西汉至新莽时期,宗庙整体平面为四向“回”字形,院落围墙四面各辟一门,中心建筑为四堂八个共一太室,其四面各开三门,有强烈的四时、五行色彩。从宗庙乐舞、月游衣冠礼制看,西汉诸帝庙形制基本相同,且袭自秦代。秦二世元年的宗庙改革是周至汉代宗庙形制转变的节点,礼县四角坪遗址反映了秦代祠庙类礼制建筑的结构布局。秦始皇所建极庙本为明堂,二世元年将其性质改为始皇庙,其形制又被汉庙继承,遂使秦代西汉宗庙具有一种“明堂式”风格。极庙的设计当以《吕氏春秋·十二纪》为蓝本,后者吸收、整合了战国时列国的月令明堂思想。 It is discovered archaeologically that the complex of Zhou-dynasty ancestral temple as a whole faces south with the buildings in the‘品-shaped'arrangement inside,the‘凹-formed'main halls with offices in the front and residences in the rear,the main entrance(front gate)right in the middle of the south wall and/or side entrances in the east and west walls.The plan of the four-sided ancestral temple compound through the Western-Han to Xinmang times takes the shape of‘回'with one entrance in the four walls each,the central building having four halls and eight chambers with three entrances in the four walls each,which strongly symbolizes four seasons and five elements in layout.Viewed from the sacred music and dance with the month-touring rites,the Western-Han royal temples are closely alike in feature,which follow the structural and ritual system of the Qin dynasty.That Emperor Qin II reforms the rites system of temples and shrines in the first year of his reign connects the Zhou and the Han dynasties transforming the construction of temple complex in shape and layout.The site at Siiaoping of Li County is of typical Qin-structured temple complex.The temple of Ji Miao(supreme temple)founded as Ming Tang in function(Hall of Enlightenment;Ming Tang in Chinese pinyin)by Emperor Qin I in the first year of his government is enshrined as Shi Huang Miao(First Emperor's Temple)by Emperor Qin Ⅱ right after he took throne.The Han dynasty followed the preceding rites and regulations,which is represented by the'Mingtang styled'temples popular in the Qin and the Western-Han dynasties consequently.The construction of Ji Miao is supposed to be in design inspired by the classics of Lu Shi Chun Qiu-Twelve Ages as the embodiment of the Yueling and Mingtang thoughts of the Warring States Period.
作者 梁云 陈燕芝 刘婷 Liang Yun;Chen Yanzhi;Liu Ting
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期4-21,147,共19页 Palace Museum Journal
关键词 宗庙形制 周代 汉代 极庙 明堂 月令 the shape and layout of Temple complex Zhou Dynasty Han Dynasty Ji Miao Mingtang Yueling
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