

Definition and Application of “General International Law” in the Preamble of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
摘要 《联合国海洋法公约》序言将其未予规定的事项诉诸一般国际法规则和原则。一般国际法在《联合国海洋法公约》通过以来未得到充分重视,各国也较少直接将其作为海洋确权的法律依据,导致中国以此构建海洋权利主张存在难度。对一般国际法的界定可将国际法委员会报告作为重要参考,将其归纳为包含习惯国际法、一般法律原则、国际与国内法普遍适用的规则,以及法律效力位阶更高的强行法,在国际条约、法院规约、司法实践及海洋领域广泛运用。一般国际法实质有效且有法律约束力,对于规则与权利的确认具有重要的价值。中国可运用一般国际法构建海洋权利主张,从诚实信用、有约必守、禁止反言等一般法律原则角度构建南海历史性权利,以正在形成中的习惯国际法为大陆国家远洋群岛制度提供法律依据,满足国家海洋维权的现实需求,促进《联合国海洋法公约》适用与海洋法新发展。 As is provided in the preamble of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS) that “matters not regulated by this Convention continue to be governed by the rules and principles of general international law”.It is regrettable that the concept of general international law is rarely discussed during the years of application of UNCLOS and is rarely used as the legal basis for determining maritime rights by countries,which result in difficulty for China to claim maritime rights.In order to ascertain the categories of general international law,this article adopts the discussion in the report of International Law Commission as an important reference,and summarize it as customary international law,general principles of law,general regulations universally recognized and applied in international law and domestic law,and jus cogens with higher legal effect.General international law is universally applied in international treaties,statutes of Courts and judicial practices,and is highly recognized in the law of the sea regime.General international law has practical effect with legally binding force and has significant value in the confirmation of rules and rights.China has the right to reasonably utilize the concept of general international law for maritime claims,build historic rights in the South China Sea from the perspective of general principles of law such as good faith,pacta sunt servanda and estoppel,and provide legal basis for the regime of continental states' outlying archipelagos with emerging customary international law,so as to meet the practical needs of countries to safeguard their maritime rights and promote the application of UNCLOS and the new development of the law of the sea.
作者 张琪悦 ZHANG Qiyue(Institute for Global Governance,Shanghai Institutes for International Studies,Shanghai 200233,China)
出处 《中国海商法研究》 CSSCI 2023年第1期58-68,共11页 Chinese Journal of Maritime Law
基金 2021年度国家社科基金青年项目“保障‘南海行为准则’有效实施的法律问题研究”(21CFX053)。
关键词 《联合国海洋法公约》 一般国际法 习惯国际法 一般法律原则 强行法 历史性权利 大陆国家远洋群岛制度 UNCLOS general international law customary international law general principles of law jus cogens historic rights the regime of continental states’outlying archipelagos
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