

The Blithedale Romance:Hawthorne’s Parody of Contemporary Sentimental Literature
摘要 19世纪20年代到内战爆发前是美国感伤文学流行的时代,其引领的感伤文化浪潮不仅造成了文学市场的庸俗化,也造成了读者的反智倾向。《福谷传奇》,作为霍桑唯一一部以时代生活为背景的小说,其出版之时正值感伤小说牢牢把控文学市场,感伤文化大肆泛滥之际。面对整个时代感伤主义意识的蔓延以及感伤文学对文学市场的侵占,霍桑一方面感到市场和读者的压力;但另一方面作为一个有社会责任感和敏锐洞察力的知识分子,霍桑也对这种感伤文化倾向隐隐感到不安,甚至鄙夷。他希望能在感伤文学框架中找到裂缝,带领读者冲破感伤文本的制约,回归客观现实的本质。本文认为霍桑在他的第三部长篇小说《福谷传奇》中对感伤文学进行了明显地戏仿。霍桑通过对这一文学体裁同情共感的情感结构、田园主义的文学传统以及黑——浅头发两类女性人物类型的戏仿,不仅能让读者一眼认出感伤文学的框架,更重要的是戳破这一流行文学在情感伦理上侵入他人生活,模糊私人界限,在人物塑造上固化女性形象拔高女性道德标准,在意识形态上美化田园梦想,逃避社会责任等创作倾向,从而让读者在自己的时代理性地面对现实,勇敢地接受挑战。 From 1820 to pre-civil war, the popularity of American sentimental literature triggered the vogue of the sentimental culture which not only caused the banality of literature market but also was on the way to shape an anti-intellectual readership. The Blithedale Romance,as the only novel by Hawthorne which takes the contemporary setting as the background, makes a parody of the structure of feeling, character type, and the idyllic ideal of the prevalent sentimental literature, in order to lay bare various limitation of this very literary genre, such as invading other’s life in ethic epistemology, the petrification of women in character types, and the sentimental indulgence in pastoralism in ideology. In Hawthorne’s contention, only by tearing open the genteel veil of sentimentalism can his contemporary readers face up to the desolation and cruelty of reality.
作者 胡杰 HU Jie
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2023年第2期149-160,共12页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
基金 四川外国语言文学研究中心项目“霍桑与同时代感伤文化的互文性研究”(SCWY21-16) 外教社全国高校外语教学科研项目“霍桑与同时代的文学场研究”(2017SC0006B)。
关键词 戏仿 感伤文学 情感结构 人物类型 田园理想 parody sentimental literature the structure of feeling character type idyllic ideal
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