The goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality will accelerate the transformation of China’s energy structure and oil-related industries.The share of oil consumption in China will be stable but declined,and the space of oil market will be compressed.Facing a series of such challenges as the slowing growth of oil demand,the strengthening of energy policy constraints of governments at all levels,the lowering of the threshold for entry into the industry,and the electrification of automobile energy,marketing enterprises,as the end of the oil industry chain,need to implement the requirements of low-carbon green development transformation.Under the new situation,the increasing fluctuation of oil market and the lack of marketization awareness of enterprises are the main difficulties for state-owned petroleum marketing enterprises,but standard market,integrated industrial chain,and relatively high management level are also their advantages.It is suggested that state-owned petroleum marketing enterprises strengthen strategic thinking,set up long-term vision,reshape the core competitiveness based on the modern enterprise management process,shift from pure benefit to ESG comprehensive evaluation,make good use of information technology,cultivate compound sales management talents,adapt to the new retail trend,improve the modern enterprise system,innovate network development,strengthen oil sales business,explore hydrogen refueling,layout of charging network,and consolidate the advantages of natural gas business.At the same time,they need to strengthen cooperation with governments,deepen professional operations,and focus on ecological construction.
MA Guanxiao(Hechi Branch,PetroChina Guangxi Marketing Company)
International Petroleum Economics
carbon peaking and carbon neutrality
petroleum marketing enterprise
meeting the challenge
transformation path
non-oil business