
我国高等学历继续教育对教育平等的影响——基于2000—2020年教育基尼系数的测算 被引量:4

The Influence of Higher Continuing Education on Educational Equality in China——Based on the Calculation of Educational Gini Coefficient from 2000 to 2020
摘要 高等学历继续教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,其在提供学历补偿教育、缓解社会教育供给矛盾、促进教育平等等方面发挥着重要作用。但是高等学历继续教育对我国教育平等的影响究竟如何,还缺乏从实证视角给予科学论证。采用教育基尼系数来衡量高等学历继续教育对教育平等的影响,是一个新颖且值得深入探索的研究视角。为此,以近20年我国高等学历继续教育的各类数据为基础,采用教育基尼系数作为教育平等的刻画指标进行的多维测算表明:截至2020年,高等学历继续教育使得我国6岁以上人口平均受教育年限提高了0.2274年;同时为86.56%的高考落榜生提供了接受高等教育的机会;截至2020年,高等学历继续教育使教育基尼系数增加了0.013。长期来看,我国高等学历继续教育带来的教育基尼系数的变化值随时间呈“倒U”型,随着我国平均受教育年限的不断提高,其带来的教育基尼系数的变化值在达到“倒U”型的顶峰之后将不断变小。这表明高等学历继续教育长期有助于降低我国的教育基尼系数,并促进教育平等。 As an important part of higher education in China, higher continuing education plays an important role in providing compensation education, alleviating the contradiction in the supply of social education and promoting educational equality. However, there is still a lack of scientific demonstration of the impact of higher continuing education on educational equality in China from an empirical perspective. Using the Gini coefficient of education to measure the impact is a new research perspective that is worth exploring. Therefore, based on various data of China’s higher continuing education in the past 20 years, the multi-dimensional measurement using education Gini coefficient as a descriptive indicator of educational equality shows that: by 2020, higher continuing education has increased the average years of education for the population over 6 years old by 0.2274 years;at the same time, 86.56% of the students who failed in the college entrance examination had been offered the new opportunity for higher education;by 2020, higher continuing education has increased the Gini coefficient of education by 0.013. In the long run, the change of educational Gini coefficient brought about by higher continuing education in China presents an“inverted U”shape over time. With the continuous improvement of the average years of education in China, the change of educational Gini coefficient will become smaller and smaller after reaching the peak of the“inverted U”shape. This shows that higher continuing education does help reduce the Gini coefficient of education in China and promote educational equality.
作者 吴峰 张懿丹 邬跃 WU Feng;ZHANG Yidan;WU Yue
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第1期68-74,共7页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 教育部职业教育与成人教育司委托项目“高等学历继续教育对社会经济的贡献”。
关键词 高等学历继续教育 教育平等 教育基尼系数 教育年限 Higher Continuing Education Educational Equality Educational Gini Coefficient Years of Education
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