目的 了解四川省布拖县艾滋病单阳家庭阴性配偶人群的暴露前预防用药意愿及其影响因素分析,为制定针对该人群的艾滋病暴露前用药的策略及其他干预措施提供科学依据。方法 2021年4月通过对布拖县特木里镇、九都乡和木尔乡的418位艾滋病单阳家庭的阴性配偶进行现场问卷调查,收集人口学基本特征、艾滋病相关知识知晓情况、性行为相关情况、接受干预情况等信息,并用SPSS 23.0软件对数据进行卡方检验和Logistic模型分析,检验水准α=0.05。结果 有82.3%的调查对象愿意使用暴露前预防用药,影响因素分析结果显示:与配偶不按时服药的组相比,配偶按时服药组(OR=3.2,95%CI:1.3~8.2,P=0.014)更有意愿使用暴露前预防用药;与性行为频率每月在5次及以上组相比,1次及以下组(OR=8.7,95%CI:3.9~19.0,P<0.001),2~4次组(OR=4.9,95%CI:2.6~9.4,P<0.001),更有意愿使用暴露前预防用药;与过去3个月发生性行为从未使用安全套组,经常使用安全套组及每次使用安全套组相比,过去3个月性行为很少使用避孕套组(OR=0.3,95%CI:0.2~0.7,P=0.006),更有意愿使用暴露前预防用药。结论 单阳家庭阴性配偶对暴露前预防用药普遍持期待态度,健康意识弱的单阳家庭更需要推广使用,基层对暴露前预防用药的宣传干预还需要进一步加强。
Objective To understand the willingness to use pre-exposure prophylaxis(PrEP) and its influencing factors among HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)-negative spouses in single-positive families in Butuo County of Sichuan Province,and to provide scientific evidence for the formulation of PrEP strategies and other interventions among this population. Methods Based on a questionnaire survey of the 418 negative spouses of HIV sero-discordant couples from Temuli Town,Jiudu Town and Muer Town of Butuo County in April 2021, the information about the sociodemographic characteristics, the awareness of HIV/AIDS-related knowledge, the related situation of sexual behaviors and the situation of received interventions of these people was collected. SPSS 23.0software was used for Chi-square test and Logistic model analysis of the data, and the test level was α=0.05. Results 82.3% of the respondents were willing to use PrEP. The analysis results of influencing factors showed that,compared with the group whose spouses did not take antiviral drug on time, the group whose spouses took antiviral drug on time(odds ratio(OR) =3.2, 95%confidence interval(CI): 1.3-8.2, P=0.014) was more willing to use PrEP. Compared with the group who had sex more than 5 times per month,the groups less than one time(OR=8.7,95%CI: 3.9-19.0, P<0.001) and 2-4 times(OR=4.9, 95% CI: 2.6-9.4, P<0.001) were more willing to use PrEP. And compared with the group who had never used condoms, the group who had used condoms frequently and the group who had used condoms every time during sexual behavior in the past three months,the group who had used condoms rarely in the past three months(OR=0.3,95%CI:0.2-0.7,P=0.006) was more willing to use PrEP. Conclusions The negative spouses of HIV sero-discordant couples generally hold an expectation attitude towards PrEP. The promotion of PrEP among the HIV sero-discordant couples with poor health awareness is more needed. Meanwhile, the propaganda and intervention of PrEP at the grass-roots level should be further strengthened
PEI Xiao-di;XIANG Cheng-ge;HUANG Jun;TANG Xue-feng;YANG Yi-hui;LIU Qian;LIANGLi;FENG Liao(Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan Province,China)
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information