Human society is moving towards the era of digital intelligence, and the global digitaltransformation is accelerating. Currently, the global digital economy is booming, and majorcountries around the world have implemented strategies for the development of the digital economyand digital education. The digital economy is reshaping the industrial landscape, and digitalindustry is becoming the fourth industry, changing the pattern of the three traditional industries.The digital education economy includes the digital education industry, the digitization of theeducation industry, digital education governance and the valorization of education data. Thedigital transformation of education and the industrialization of digital education have given rise tothe digital education industry ecosystem, which has become a fundamental support force for thedevelopment of the digital economy. The digital education industry ecosystem requires efficientcooperation and synergy among all elements of the digital education industry system. Although thepolicies of digital education industry are improving and the market scale is expanding, there arestill six real difficulties, such as difficulty in governance, failure to meet market demand,irregular market, serious homogenization of products, risk of leaking personal privacy andjeopardizing data security, and weak research. Therefore, it is necessary to prioritize thedevelopment of the digital education industry, strengthen regulation and governance, modernizethe digital education governance system and governance capacity, enhance the self-regulation ofthe digital education industry, strengthen the educational and public welfare attributes of digitaleducation products, improve the competitiveness of digital education products, create a number ofunicorn enterprises with international competitiveness, and plan ahead for the development of thedigital education industry.
WANG Yunwu;WANG Tengteng
Yuejiang Academic Journal