
面向数字化转型的信息资源质量保障要素解析及启示——以科技档案信息资源为例 被引量:7

Analysis and Interpretation of Information Resources Quality Assurance Factors in Digital Transformation Implementation:A Case Study of Scientific and Technological Archival Information Resources
摘要 [目的/意义]面对数字化转型发展的大趋势,迫切需要重新界定和探索数字环境下信息资源质量保障要素。文章以科技档案信息资源为例,综合考虑其自身的特殊属性和数字化转型要求,重构其质量保障要素,为数字化转型背景下其他类型信息资源质量保障要素构建提供借鉴与参考。[方法/过程]从信息资源质量保障出发,选取科技档案信息资源为典型性案例,实地参与其检查与验收的全过程并形成观察记录,采用主题分析法分析归纳出传统归档环境下档案信息资源质量的保障要素。结合数字时代下信息资源质量控制的新要求,重构和解析面向数字化转型的科技档案信息资源质量保障要素。[结果/结论]文章诠释数字化转型背景下科技档案信息资源质量保障的六要素,即科学性、准确性、完整性、安全性、真实性和可用性,以期为其他类型信息资源的质量保障提供借鉴和参考。特别重要的是,在注重不同信息资源类型自身特点的基础之上,未来研究可以考虑将时代需求与资源特色相结合,从而实现信息资源质量保障体系的可操作性和可落地性应用。 [Purpose/significance]There is a need to redefine and explore information resources quality assurance elements in the current trend of digital transformation.This paper adopted case study approach focusing on scientific and technological informa-tion resources.In doing so,this study comprehensively considered the special attributes and requirements of digital transformation linked with this type of resources.The study redesigns and defines the quality assurance factors associated with digital transformation of scientific and technological information resources and provides theoretical propositions that can be transferred to the processes of digitalization of other types of information resources.[Method/process]In order to study scientific and technological information re-sources processes of quality assurance,the study used industrial engineering archives as the specific context.Data was collected u-sing a participative observation method that focused on the whole process of inspection activities of scientific and technological ar-chives.Data was analyzed using qualitative a-priori thematic analysis approach.As the result of the analysis the paper proposes a model of quality assurance factors for digital scientific and technological archives information resources in the digital era.[Result/conclusion]This paper defines and proposes six main elements of quality assurance for digital scientific and technological archival information resources,including:scientific accuracy,archival accuracy,completeness,security,authenticity and availability.It is expected that the model proposed may be used for developing quality assurance of other types of information resources.Important-ly,future research should pay attention to the characteristics of different types of information resources and corresponding specific demands of the current society and digital era.This is fundamental in order to improve the implementation of the very necessary processes of quality assurance of information resources.
作者 陈慧 南梦洁 王晓晓 陈晖 Chen Hui
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第8期60-67,共8页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“面向创新型国家建设的工程项目档案知识赋能及实现路径研究”的成果,项目编号:19CTQ037。
关键词 数字化转型 科技档案信息资源 质量保障 要素解析 digital transformation scientific and technological archival information resources quality assurance factor analysis
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