
研发费用加计扣除政策的创新激励效应 被引量:17

The Innovation Incentive Effect of the Policy of R&D Expense Additional Deduction
摘要 2015年研发费用加计扣除政策扩大了对企业、研发活动和研发费用的适用范围,但其创新激励效应仍然缺少充分论证。为此,文章采用准自然实验和干预效应模型等方法,从创新链视角考察了此次改革的创新激励效应。研究结果表明:扩大加计扣除政策适用范围促进了企业创新,提高了企业创新投入、创新产出和创新收益。进一步机制分析发现,增加可加计扣除的研发活动和研发费用,能够直接降低企业融资压力、创新成本和创新风险,是激励企业开展有效创新活动的重要举措;相反,扩大适用加计扣除政策的企业范围,会纳入创新意愿和创新能力较低的企业,不利于激励企业创新。因此,提高对研发费用的加计扣除比例,增加对技术创新关联活动的加计扣除,以及构建财税优惠政策体系,是强化加计扣除政策创新激励效应的重要方面。 Enterprise innovation has the characteristics of large investment, high risk and spillover. It is easy to produce “market failure”, which is usually lower than the optimal level required by the society. In 2015, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued the Notice on Improving the Policy of Pre-tax Additional Deduction of R&D Expenses, which further expanded the scope of policy application of R&D expense additional deduction, so that more enterprises can deduct more R&D activities and R&D expenses before tax, which is expected to produce an innovation incentive effect. However, the current research on the innovation incentive effect of this reform,especially the effective innovation incentive effect, is still relatively inadequate.Based on the latest practice of Chinese enterprise innovation, this paper examines the changes of enterprise innovation behavior in this reform from the perspective of innovation chain. The results show that the policy of R&D expense additional deduction expands the application scope of enterprises, R&D activities and R&D expenses, which can significantly stimulate enterprise innovation, and significantly improve enterprise innovation input, innovation output and innovation income. Among them, the increase of deductible R&D activities and R&D expenses directly reduces the innovation cost, innovation risk and financing pressure of enterprises, and can significantly encourage enterprises to carry out innovation activities and effective innovation. In contrast, expanding the scope of enterprises applying this tax incentive will include enterprises with low innovation willingness and innovation ability, which will induce adverse selection behaviors such as R&D manipulation and false innovation, which is not conducive to enterprise innovation. In this paper, PSM-DID and TEM models are used to provide empirical evidence support, and the results are still stable after replacing measurement indicators, changing re
作者 靳卫东 任西振 何丽 Jin Weidong;Ren Xizhen;He Li(School of Economics,Qingdao University,Shandong Qingdao 266061,China;School of Management Science and Engineering,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Shandong Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期108-121,共14页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“信息技术促进乡村医疗卫生资源有效供给研究”(21BJY101) 马克思主义理论研究和建设工程特别委托项目“有效市场和有为政府更好结合研究”(2021MYB014) 山东省自然科学基金项目“农业转移人口的就业质量提升与市民化融合对接机制研究”(ZR2019MG035)。
关键词 加计扣除 政策适用范围 有效创新 创新链 additional deduction scope of policy application effective innovation innovation chain
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