
中国《反外国制裁法》中“歧视性限制措施”的识别 被引量:14

Identification of "Discriminatory Restrictive Measures"in China's Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law
摘要 歧视性限制措施是反制措施触发和阻断机制启动的先决条件,中国《反外国制裁法》却并未明晰这一术语的内涵外延和识别基准,如何对其进行准确的识别成为法学界亟待解决的问题。歧视性限制措施属于不确定法律概念,具有高度概括性和抽象性,其实质内涵和外延具象具有模糊性,需由中国反制法适用者通过识别明确其概念后方能具体适用。这一概念的具体化系通过廓清其理念依准、实质内涵、外延具象、法定基准和辨识序次来精准界定歧视性限制措施。在识别中,应当契合《中国反外国制裁法》的立法目的宗旨、基本原则和立法价值诉求,并在其概念含义本身的内涵和外延所框定之畛域内识别。为保障中国反制在国际法层面的合法性和正当性,应当依循其法定基准和合理的识别操作序次以保证具体识别结论的准确性。 "Discriminatory restrictive measures" are the prerequisite for the initiation of countermeasures and blocking mechanism.However,China's Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law does not clarify the connotation,extension and identification criteria of "discriminatory restrictive measures".How to accurately identify "discriminatory restrictive measures"has become a problem urgently to be solved by legal scholars."Discriminatory restrictive measures" is an certain legal concept which is highly general and abstract,and vague in substantive connotation and extension.The specific approach to the identification of this concept is concretization,namely accurately defining the concept through the clarification of its conceptual basis,connotation,extension,legal criteria and identification order.First of all,the legislative aim,purpose,value and basic principles of the Chinese Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law are the conceptual benchmarks for identifying the concept of the "discriminatory restrictive measures",which are helpful to defining the macro boundary of the concept.Secondly,"discriminatory restrictive measures"should be identified in compliance with theoretical standards and within the scope defined by the connotation and extension of the concept itself.The broad definition of the extension of "discriminatory restrictive measures"is the natural requirement for scientific identification of this concept."Discrimination"is the substantive connotation of "discriminatory restrictive measures",which includes various forms of unfair and unequal treatment of China by foreign countries.Thirdly,the identification of "discriminatory restrictive measures"should follow the legal benchmark.In order to ensure the legitimacy of China's countermeasures at the international law level,the identification of "discriminatory restrictive measures"should not conflict with the basic principles of international law,international jus cogens,international customary law and international treaty rules that are binding on China.Finally,the identification of"discrim
作者 周艳云 Zhou Yanyun
机构地区 常州大学法学院
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期162-175,共14页 Global Law Review
基金 2020年度司法部法治建设与法学理论研究项目“美国基于国家安全的贸易限制措施的违法性析证及中国因应策略研究”(20SFB4067)的研究成果。
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