With the rapid development of film screen production technology and stereoscopic viewing of the brightness of the projection requirements.High reflectivity of the small aperture film screen or even micron aperture micro-aperture film screen products continue to emerge.However,the flexible characteristics of the film screen make the traditional aperture measurement process stretched,the original method used for film screen measurement is increasingly difficult to achieve the accuracy requirements of micro-aperture measurement.This paper introduces a film screen perforation measurement system using a high-resolution image scanner and image recognition-based technology.The article first introduces the limitations and measurement requirements of micro-aperture flexible movie screen measurement and the limitations of traditional measurement methods,then introduces the screen perforation measurement algorithm using a high-resolution scanner combined with image recognition techniques such as the Hough transform,and a microaperture movie screen measurement application implemented using this algorithm,and finally provides an uncertainty analysis of the measurement accuracy of this measurement system.
Zhou Lingfei(China Research Institute of Film Science and Technology(Test Institute of Film Technical Quality))
Advanced Motion Picture Technology