
碲掺杂钙-铝-锗酸盐玻璃宽带近红外发光及其调控机理 被引量:2

Broadband Near-infrared Luminescence and Regulation Mechanism of Tellurium-doped Calcium-Aluminum-germanate Glass
摘要 可调宽带近红外发光材料作为红外光源和可调谐光纤激光器核心组件,在高容量光纤通信、成像和遥感等现代技术中发挥着至关重要的作用。本文研究了碲掺杂钙-铝-锗酸盐玻璃的宽带近红外发光性能调控方案及其机理。通过引入碳构建还原气氛,还原TeO_(2)原料为碲原子;再优化CaO、Al_(2)O_(3)含量,调整碲掺杂钙-铝-锗酸盐玻璃中碲拓扑笼的结构和大小,稳定并调控碲团簇发光中心,实现高效且可调谐的宽带近红外发光。最后通过改变TeO_(2)掺杂含量,提供可形成团簇的合适含量碲源,进一步增强碲近红外发光,并揭示了碲近红外发光性能调控机理。本研究为未来宽带、高效、可调谐的近红外发光材料设计提供了重要指导,推进了其在宽带光放大器和可调谐激光器中的应用。 Tunable broadband near-infrared(NIR)-emitting materials play a crucial role as NIR light sources and tunable fiber lasers in modern technologies such as high-capacity telecommunication,imaging,and remote sensing.In this work,we report the control scheme and mechanism of the broadband near-infrared luminescence properties in the tellurium-doped calcium-aluminum-germanate glass.By introducing carbon to construct a reducing atmosphere,the raw material TeO_(2) is reduced to tellurium element.Through optimizing CaO and Al_(2)O_(3) content,the configurations and size of topological cages in tellurium doped calcium-aluminum-germanate glass were adjusted to stabilize and tailor tellurium clusters,enabling tunable NIR emission.Furthermore,adjusting the content of TeO_(2) provides optimal tellurium source to form clusters,and thus enhancing tellurium NIR luminescence.The regulation mechanism of tellurium NIR luminescence performance in the calcium-aluminum-germanate glass is clarified.This work provides important guidance for the design of broadband,efficient and tunable NIR luminescent materials,promoting their practical application in broadband optical amplifiers and tunable lasers.
作者 周港杰 胡艺萱 谭林玲 康世亮 林常规 ZHOU Gang-jie;HU Yi-xuan;TAN Lin-ling;KANG Shi-liang;LIN Chang-gui(Laboratory of Infrared Materials and Devices, Research Institute of Advanced Technologies, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China)
出处 《发光学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期51-57,共7页 Chinese Journal of Luminescence
基金 国家自然科学基金(62105170)资助项目。
关键词 碲团簇 近红外发光 宽带可调谐 调控机理 tellurium clusters near-infrared luminescence tunable broadband regulation mechanism
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