
汉江支流任河上游鱼类多样性现状与保护对策 被引量:3

Species Diversity and Conservation Strategies of Fish in the Upper Renhe River
摘要 根据2016~2018年任河上游4次鱼类资源调查数据,对该地区的鱼类物种组成、分布格局、物种多样性和群聚结构等进行了分析。调查期间,18个调查样点共采集鱼类36种,其中土著鱼类34种,外来鱼类2种。34种土著鱼类隶属于3目9科30属,其中国家二级重点保护野生动物有多鳞白甲鱼(Scaphesthes macrolepis)1种,重庆市重点保护鱼类有汉水扁尾薄鳅(Leptobotia hansuiensis)和峨眉后平鳅(Metahomaloptera omeiensis) 2种,列入《中国脊椎动物红色名录》的易危(VU)鱼类有多鳞白甲鱼、齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)和细体拟鲿(Pseudobagrus pratti) 3种。尖头大吻鱥(Phoxinus oxycephalus)、嘉陵颌须鮈(Gnathopogon herzensteini)、宽鳍鱲(Zacco platypus)和峨眉后平鳅等小型山溪急流性鱼类在调查水域分布较为广泛,同时也是鱼类群聚中的主要优势种类。鱼类物种多样性整体呈现出随河流梯度向下游延伸而逐渐增加的趋势。与历史调查资料相比,任河上游鱼类资源明显衰退,主要表现为物种数量减少、部分种类分布范围缩小和小型化趋势加剧等。为促进任河上游鱼类多样性保护与恢复,建议严格控制水电开发强度、加强渔政管理和实施生态修复。 In order to understanding the status of fish diversity in the upper Renhe River, field investigations were conducted during the period from 2016 to 2018 at 18 sampling sites. Specimens were collected by electro-fishing covering different habitat unit. A total of 36 fish species, including 34 natives and 2 exotics, was collected. Among these species, Leptobotia hansuiensis and Metahomaloptera omeiensis have been listed as the key protected fishes of Chongqing municipality, Scaphesthes macrolepis, Schizothorax prenanti and Pseudobagrus pratti have been listed as vulnerable by Red list of China’s Vertebrates. Small-sized and lotic species, such as Phoxinus oxycephalus, Gnathopogon herzensteini, Zacco platypus and M. omeiensis, distributed wildly in the upper Renhe river. Fish assemblages were mainly dominated by Phoxinus oxycephalus and other small-sized and lotic species. Species richness increased with the longitudinal gradient. Compared to the historical data, fish resources in the upper Renhe River have been declined seriously. Firstly, the number of fish species decreased dramatically. Secondly, the distribution range of some sensitive species reduced obviously. Thirdly, the miniaturization trend of some commercial targets was still serious. In order to effectively protect the fish diversity in the upper Renhe River, controlling the development of hydropower, reinforcing the fishery management and strengthening the scientific research were suggested.
作者 刘飞 张富斌 常涛 林鹏程 刘焕章 LIU Fei;ZHANG Fu-bin;CHANG Tao;LIN Peng-cheng;LIU Huan-zhang(College of Environmental Science and Engineering,China West Normal University,Nanchong 637009,China;Institute of Hydrobiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430072,China)
出处 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期2651-2658,共8页 Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin
基金 国家自然科学基金(31400359) 中国生物多样性监测与研究网络-内陆水体鱼类多样性监测专项网。
关键词 任河 鱼类 多样性 保护对策 Renhe River fish species diversity conservation strategies
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