

The Historical Destiny of the Communication Between Chinese and Western Culture:Scientific Research of Eastern Zhejiang School in Ming and Qing and Construction of Its Academic Context
摘要 明清时期,浙东学派在科技研究方面成就斐然,完成了其科学研究体系的建构。李之藻强调科学研究的形而上学基础,重视逻辑推理和哲学论证,寻找事物的数学原理和总则规律;陈荩谟等擅长数学研究,以西学阐释、演绎和增补传统算术,侧重其实用方便;黄宗羲在西学影响下开掘出"绝学"的研究内容,提倡学术的经世致用;黄百家始终坚持实证求真的科学态度和精神,亲自观察和研究农事生活现象,实录民间科技成果。其体系既有切合时代的研究内容,也有传统科学的继承和变革,兼具科学研究的逻辑规则和实证求真的方法,突显其学术特色。其中西文化观念注重中西会通基础上的吸纳、补益和创造,西学中源说的提出,排斥西学的时代潮流,坚持传统文化的立场和精神,在传统文化和科学研究的关系上具有启示性意义。 In the Ming and Qing,Zhejiang scholars made great achievements in scientific and technological research and completed the construction of their scientific research system. Li Zhizao emphasizes the metaphysical basis of scientific research,seeks for mathematical principles and general rules. Chen Jingmo and others interprets,deduces or supplements traditional arithmetic with the western knowledge,focusing on its practical use.Huang Zongxi explores the research content of"Unique Learning"under the influence of the western knowledge.Huang Baijia always insists on the scientific attitude and spirit of seeking truth from facts. He observes and researches himself in agriculture,recording the scientific and technological achievements of people. The system is not only keeping abreast of the time in the research content,but also has the inheritance and transformation of traditional science. It has both the logical rules of scientific research and the method of empirical truth-seeking. The concept of Chinese and Western culture pays attention to the absorption,supplement and creation on the basis of the integration of the east and the west. The proposed theory originated from China rejects the idea of western missionary at that time and adheres to the spirit of traditional culture,which is the enlightenment in the relationship between traditional culture and scientific research.
作者 刘亚斌 LIU Yabing(School of Chinese Language and Culture,Zhejiang International Studies University,Hangzhou 310023,China)
出处 《江苏理工学院学报》 2021年第5期91-98,共8页 Journal of Jiangsu University of Technology
基金 浙江省教育厅一般科研项目“传教士影响下的浙江文化”(Y201737188)。
关键词 明清时期 浙东学派 中西会通 科学研究 学脉构建 the Ming and Qin Eastern Zhejiang School communication between Chinese and the western culture scientific research academic construction
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  • 2同上《卷一百二十三《《陈君举》《页2967. 被引量:1
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  • 6对这一偏颇《当代浙江学者已有反思.如王凤贤、丁国顺合著的《浙东学派研究》一书(浙江人民出版社1993年3月版)《即对北宋至清代的浙东学派了系统性研究《将其形成演变分作四个时期《认为北宋是"浙东学术的草昧时期"《南宋是"浙东诸学派的形成"时期《明代是"浙东心学思潮的兴起"时期《清代则是"浙东学派的全盛时期". 被引量:1
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