

Analysis of the Evolution of Eastern Zhejiang School’s Fiction in the Qing Dynasty
摘要 清代浙东学派虽以史学名家,但小说成就亦值得关注。在小说研究状况方面,清代浙东学派经历了从文言到白话之嬗变。黄宗羲改写文言小说,全祖望以文言小说起兴,章学诚则将视野拓展至白话小说。在小说研究视域方面,黄宗羲、全祖望、黄式三、黄以周将小说作为博物之资,以文考释。章学诚则正视小说,以史通文。在小说审美范畴方面,黄宗羲品小说之趣,全祖望彰遗民之奇,章学诚喜言奇女鬼神,清代浙东学派的小说审美范畴经历了由趣到奇之嬗变。 Although most of the scholars of the Eastern Zhejiang School in the Qing Dynasty became famous for their studies on historical science,their achievements in novel are also noteworthy.In terms of the status of fiction study,the Eastern Zhejiang School in the Qing Dynasty experienced a transition from classical Chinese to modern vernacular Chinese.Huang Zongxi rewrote classical Chinese fiction,Quan Zuwang got his start by writing classical Chinese novels,and Zhang Xuecheng broadened his horizon to modern Chinese fiction.In terms of the field of fiction research,Huang Zongxi,Quan Zuwang,Huang Shisan and Huang Yizhou regarded fiction as an asset of natural history and also a basis of textual research.However,Zhang Xuecheng could face up to fiction and study the fiction by means of historical research.With regard to aesthetical category of fiction,Huang Zongxi savored the fun of fiction,Quan Zuwang disclosed the oddness of the adherents of the former dynasty,Zhang Xuecheng liked to depict fantastic females and supernatural beings,which indicates that the aesthetical perspective of the Eastern Zhejiang School’s fiction underwent an evolution from fun to fantasy.
作者 雷斌慧 LEI Bing-hui(School of Literature and Journalism, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan 411105, China)
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期141-145,共5页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 湘潭大学博士科研启动项目“清代浙东学派小说研究”(2020BSQDF12)成果。
关键词 清代 浙东学派 小说 the Qing Dynasty the Eastern Zhejiang School fiction
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