
2019年全国室内田径锦标赛总决赛女子60 m栏决赛运动员运动技术特征研究 被引量:4

Research on Technical Characteristics of Elite Athletes inWomen’s 60 m Hurdles of the 2019 National Indoor Track and Field Championships
摘要 目的:对我国优秀女子60 m栏运动员的运动技术特征进行针对性的定量研究,并与世界级优秀运动员对比分析,分析我国优秀女子60 m栏运动员运动技术方面的短板和不足。方法:采用文献资料、多机位现场录像拍摄、二维视频分析和数理统计等方法,对跨栏项目关键技术参数指标进行定量的研究和分析。结果:获得了我国优秀女子60 m栏运动员的分栏时间与速度,栏上腾空时间,第3至第4栏间(H3—H4)的着地时间、腾空时间、步长和步速、起跨距离和落地距离、跨栏系数等运动学参数,以及与世界级优秀女子跨栏运动员之间的差距。结论:1)我国优秀女子直道栏运动员起跑上第1个栏的平均用时、平均速度均低于世界优秀女子直道栏运动员,平均差值分别相差0.07 s和0.13 m/s,反映出我国运动员起跑加速能力不够;2)我国女子直道栏运动员60 m栏的最快栏间速度出现在H3—H4栏间,而世界优秀女子直道栏运动员出现在第4至第5个栏间(H4—H5),最快栏间的平均用时相差0.08 s和平均速度相差0.68 m/s。我国运动员最大栏间速度出现较早,且整体栏间速度与国外运动员相差较大;3)最后一个栏至终点的冲刺阶段是相差最多的区间,国内运动员平均用时和平均速度低于国外运动员,平均差值分别相差0.14 s和1.01 m/s。冲刺阶段的速度保持能力是目前我国女子直道栏运动员最需要努力的方面;4)国外优秀运动员的栏间速度呈平稳上升趋势,栏间节奏是越来越快,直至最后一个栏间速度加到最大。国内运动员的栏间节奏在H3—H4栏间速度加到最大,H4—H5栏间普遍速度下降,即加速快、降速早、最大速度和速度保持能力不足;5)成绩更好、水平更高的运动员下栏着地时间相对更短,栏间3步“小-大-小”节奏明显,第1、2和3步步长占栏间距离比例分别为27%、39%和34%;6)国内女子跨栏运动员在过栏技术上具备� Objective:This paper is to make a quantitative research on the technical characteristics of Chinese elite women's 60 m hurdles,and compare with the world-class elite athletes,to obtain the short board and deficiency of Chinese elite women's 60 m hurdles.Methods:Using the literature method,multi stand video shooting method,two-dimensional video analysis method and mathematical statistics method to quantitatively study and analyze the key technical parameters of hurdle project.Results:The time and speed of hurdle dividing,the time of flying on the hurdle,the landing time between H3 and H4 hurdles,the stride distance and landing distance,the hurdle coefficient and other kinematic parameters,as well as the gap between China's elite female hurdlers and world-class elite female hurdlers.Conclusions:1)The average time and speed of Chinese elite women's straight hurdlers on the first hurdle are lower than those of the world's elite women's straight hurdlers,with the difference of 0.07 s and 0.13 m/s respectively,which reflects that the acceleration ability of Chinese athletes is not enough;2)the fastest speed between the 60 m hurdles of Chinese women's straight hurdles appears between H3 and H4 hurdles,while the world's elite women's straight hurdles appear between H4 and H5 hurdles.The average time difference between the fastest hurdles and the average speed difference is 0.08 s and 0.68 m/s.The results show that the maximum hurdle speed of Chinese athletes appears earlier,and the overall speed between hurdles is quite different from that of foreign athletes;3)the average time and speed of domestic players are lower than those of foreign players,and the average difference is 0.14 s and 1.01 m/s respectively.At present,the speed keeping ability in sprint stage is the most important aspect for Chinese women straight hurdlers;4)the speed between hurdles of foreign elite athletes shows a steady upward trend,and the rhythm between hurdles is getting faster and faster until the last hurdle speed is added to the maximum.Domest
作者 吴永宏 程泓人 苑廷刚 王国杰 吕婕 韩鹏鹏 冷欣 WU Yonghong;CHENG Hongren;YUAN Tinggang;WANG Guojie;LYU Jie;HAN Pengpeng;LENG Xin(Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872,China;China Institute of Sport Science,Beijing 100061,China;Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期38-44,共7页 China Sport Science and Technology
基金 国家体育总局体育科学研究所基本科研业务费资助项目(基本19-38)。
关键词 女子60 m栏 技术特征 步长 步速 起跨距离 下栏距离 women’s 60 m hurdles technical characteristics step length step frequency takeoff distance landing distance
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