
动商(7~12岁)量表的编制——基于江浙沪鲁试验数据分析 被引量:4

Motor Quotient Scale Compilation(Aged 7 to 12)--Test Data Analysis from Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Shanghai and Shandong
摘要 汲取国内外测评研究成果,积极构建标准化测评体系,动商理念逐渐在学术研究和媒体报道中发声、传播。随着年龄的变化,动商具有明显的发展规律,本文提出运动能力与发育“相伴相随”的综合性动商测评理念。结合Newell模型的研究启发,在前期研究成果的基础上,本文解析动商内涵,构建动商理论模型,遴选测评指标,经过多轮调研和半结构化访谈初步形成动商量表。该量表由身体商数、行为商数、任务商数等3个维度与35项指标构成,本研究将其在江苏开展试测,经适当修订后,在江浙沪鲁随机选取7~12岁少年儿童1200名,进行量表正式测试。通过对测试数据的统计与分析,完成《动商(7~12岁)量表》的编制。测试结果表明,该量表具有可靠的信效度,能够动态测量少年儿童动商随年龄增长的变化,形成了综合反映作用因素的发展性测试,可以作为7~12岁少年儿童动商的测评标准,弥补了以往单一维度项目测试的不足。此外,在后续研究中将考虑区域差异及受试者教育、生活背景层次差异等,对动商量表开展进一步修订,以深入探索动商的发展规律。 Based on previous domestic and overseas researches,and great efforts to develop standardized Motor Quotient(MQ)scales,MQ gradually propagates in the academia and media.MQ changes with the age and follows obviously unique development patterns.This paper proposes a comprehensive MQ assessment conceptualization,integrating motor performance and physical development.Inspired by Newell Model and previous research achievements,this paper analyzes MQ concepts and conceptualizations,and constructs our theoretical MQ model.Through surveys and semi-structured interviews,it selects assessment indicators and forms an initial MQ scale.This MQ scale includes three dimensions(body quotient,behavior quotient and task quotient)and 35 indicators.After a pilot test and revision in Jiangsu Province,the formal MQ scale test was done on 1200 children and adolescents aged 7 to 12,randomly selected in Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Shanghai and Shandong.Test results prove the scale’s reliability,which can dynamically assess children-adolescents’MQ with their aging process and can be regarded as a development test indicating various factors.Therefore,this MQ scale can be used for assessing for children-adolescents’MQ(7-12 years old)to make up for weaknesses in previous single-dimension scales.In future work,children-adolescents’variables in terms of region,education and life-background will be taken into account of for MQ scale revision.It is meant to further explore MQ development patterns.
作者 张红兵 王宗平 ZHANG Hongbing;WANG Zongping(Motor Quotient Research Institute,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210094;Research Institute of Sports Science and Engineering,Nanjing Institute of Technology,Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211167)
出处 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第1期62-71,共10页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
基金 2017年国家社会科学基金项目“健康中国背景下青少年儿童动商发展与健康促进循证实践研究”(17CTY016) 江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养计划支持项目。
关键词 动商 运动智力 发育 测评 量表 motor quotient sport intelligence development assessment scales
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