
谷子与花生/大豆间作对产量效益的影响及其品种间差异 被引量:5

Effects of Intercropping of Foxtail Millet and Peanut/Soybean on Yield and Benefit and Their Differences among Varieties
摘要 [目的]探索适合谷子间作的作物,明确谷子与花生或大豆间作的产量和经济效益。[方法]以2个谷子品种(汇华金米和冀谷39)、2个花生品种(冀花4号和黑玉珍)、2个大豆品种(冀豆12和冀豆17)为材料,研究不同种植模式—谷子与花生或大豆间作对作物产量以及经济效益的影响。[结果]间作对谷子的穗长、倒伏率无显著影响,对株高、产量和千粒重有极显著影响;谷子品种、种植模式2因素对谷子产量、株高、穗长影响程度的顺序为谷子品种>种植模式>谷子品种×种植模式,对谷子倒伏率影响程度的排列顺序为谷子品种≈谷子品种×种植模式>种植模式,对谷子千粒重影响程度的排列顺序为种植模式>谷子品种>谷子品种×种植模式。谷子与花生/大豆间作提高谷子产量,降低豆科作物产量,与单作相比,谷子与花生间作后谷子产量提高9.0%~33.2%,花生产量减产19.7%~36.6%。谷子与大豆间作后谷子产量提高4.8%~15.4%,大豆减产8.1%~34.9%。所有间作处理中仅冀谷39和冀花4号间作的土壤当量比超过1.00,其他处理为0.84~0.94。产量经济效益由高到低排序为花生单作>谷子+花生间作>谷子单作>谷子+大豆间作>大豆单作。[结论]谷子与花生/大豆间作提高了谷子产量,降低了花生和大豆的产量,相比谷子单作模式,谷子与花生间作提高了总经济效益,与大豆间作降低了总经济效益。 [Objective]To explore crops suitable for intercropping between foxtail millet and peanut or soybean,and to determine the yield and economic benefits of intercropping.[Method]Two foxtail millet varieties(Huihuajinmi and Jigu 39),two peanut varieties(Jihua 4 and Heiyuzhen)and two soybean varieties(Jidou 12 and Jidou 17)were used as materials to study the effects of different planting modes(intercropping of foxtail millet with peanut or soybean)on crop growth,yield and economic benefits.[Results]Intercropping showed no significant effects on ear length and lodging rate of foxtail millet,but had a significant effect on plant height,yield and 1000-grain weight.The order of the effects of foxtail millet variety and planting mode on yield,plant height and ear length was foxtail millet variety>planting mode>foxtail millet variety×planting mode,and the order of the effect on lodging rate was foxtail millet product seed≈foxtail millet variety×planting mode>planting mode.The order of influence on 1000-grain weight of foxtail millet is planting mode>foxtail millet variety>foxtail millet variety×planting mode.Intercropping of foxtail millet and peanut/soybean improves the yield of foxtail millet and reduces the yield of legume.Compared with the monoculture,the yield of foxtail millet increased by 9.0%-33.2% and that of peanut decreased by 19.7%-36.6%.After intercropping,the yield of foxtail millet increased by 4.8%-15.4%,and the yield of soybean decreased by 8.1%-34.9%.Among all intercropping treatments,only the soil equivalent ratio of Jigu 39 and Jihua 4 was more than 1,and other treatments were between 0.84 and 0.94.The order of economic benefit from high to low was peanut monoculture>foxtail millet+peanut intercropping>foxtail millet monoculture>foxtail millet+soybean intercropping>soybean monoculture.[Conclusion]The intercropping of foxtail millet and peanut/soybean increased the yield of foxtail millet and decreased the yield of peanut and soybean.Compared with the single cropping mode of foxtail millet,the intercr
作者 崔纪菡 李顺国 刘猛 郭帅 赵宇 马俊婷 夏雪岩 CUI Ji-han;LI Shun-guo;LIU Meng(Minor Cereal Crops Research Laboratory of Hebei Province,National Foxtail Millet Improvement Center,Institute of Millet Crops of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050035)
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2020年第17期35-40,45,共7页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 河北省青年自然科学基金项目(C2018301086) 2019—2020年河北省农林科学院农业科技创新工程项目课题(2019-4-2-2) 河北省农林科学院农业科技创新人才队伍建设项目(2018年) 河北省重点研发计划项目(18226429D) 河北省现代农业产业技术体系杂粮杂豆创新团队(HBCT2018070205)。
关键词 间作 谷子 大豆 花生 产量 Intercropping Millet Soybean Peanut Yield
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