辽西地区是我国玉米产业结构调整的重点区域,为了探寻区域适宜的高效种植模式,开展了小麦复种模式效益比较研究。通过研究发现种植玉米经济效益较低,仅为812.7元/667m2,小麦复种茄子的经济效益最高,达到5 637.5元/667m2,其次为小麦复种白菜4 276.8元/667m2,小麦复种萝卜3 485.5元/667m2,小麦复种荠菜和小麦复种向日葵,分别为2 876.9元/667m2和2 057.0元/667m2。但高效益也伴随着高投入,小麦复种白菜、萝卜、茄子、向日葵和荠菜的生产成本分别是种植玉米的1.35、1.29、1.29、0.83和0.77倍。种植白菜、萝卜、荠菜和茄子的产量分别高达10 850.6 kg/667m2、7 032.2 kg/667m2、6 543.7 kg/667m2、3 542.4kg/667m2。在选择复种模式时还需考虑产品储存、运输和销售等一系列问题,需要根据农业生产实际进行合理选择。
The western of Liaoning province is one of im portant areas to adjust the corn planting structure ofC hina, We carried out a benefit com parative study of wheat m ultiple cropping, in order to explore the suitableand efficient planting mode. The research results show that the benefit of planting maize is low , 812 .7 yuan /667m 2. While the highest benefit plant mode was w heat m ultiple cropping eggplant, 5 637. 5 yuan /6 6 7 m2 ;Followed by w heat m ultiple cropping Chinese cabbage, 4 276. 8 yuan /6 6 7 m 2 ; Again for w heat m ultiple croppingrad ish , 3 485. 5 yuan /6 6 7 m 2 ; And w heat m ultiple cropping shepherds purse and w heat m ultiple croppingsunflower were 2 876. 9 yuan /6 6 7 m 2 and 2 0 5 7 .0 yuan /6 6 7 m 2 respectively. How ever, high efficiency was alsoaccom panied by high investm ent. The production costs of wheat m ultiple cropping Chinese cabbage, wheatm ultiple cropping rad ish , wheat m ultiple cropping eggplant, wheat m ultiple cropping sunflower and wheat m ultiplecropping shepherds purse have risen to 1. 3 5、 1 .2 9 、 1 .2 9 、 0 . 83 and 0. 77 times than planting corn respectively.And the yield of Chinese cabbage, ra d ish , shepherd ys purse and eggplant were 10 850. 6 k g /667m 2、7 032. 2 k g /6 6 7 m2、6 5 4 3 .7 k g /6 6 7 m 2、3 542. 4 k g /6 6 7 m 2 respectively, product storage, transportationand sales issues need to be considered. So the planting pattern needs to be selected according to the actualsituation.
Liaoning Agricultural Sciences
M ultiple cropping
Efficiency com parison
Western of Liaoning province