
基于核心素养的课堂教学评价性学习任务设计--以高中物理“自由落体运动”一课为例 被引量:9

The Design of Evaluative Learning Task in Classroom Teaching Based on Core Literacy:Taking "Free Falling Movement" in High School Physics as an Example
摘要 核心素养下的高中课堂教学强调学生自主、合作、探究学习,注重学习目标达成性检测。评价任务既是检测课堂学习目标是否达成的工具,又是促进课堂学习目标有效达成的重要载体。高中物理课堂教学中评价任务的设计可遵循以下原则和思路:第一,评价任务的设计遵循"评价与学习目标"一致性原则;第二,评价任务的情境应与实际物理情境相结合;第三,评价任务的设计要有层次性。 From the perspective of core literacy education,classroom teaching in high school should emphasize students'autonomy,cooperation and inquiry learning,and underline the detection of learning goal achievement.Assessment task is not only a tool to test whether the classroom learning objectives are achieved,but also an important carrier to promote the effective achievement of classroom learning objectives.The design of evaluative task in high school physics classroom teaching can follow the following principles and ideas.First,the design follows the consistency principle of"evaluation and learning objectives".Second,the situation of evaluation task should be combined with the actual physical situation.Third,the design of evaluation task should be hierarchical.
作者 晁广云 CHAO Guangyun(Zhengzhou No.4 Middle School,Zhengzhou,Henan 450052,China)
出处 《创新人才教育》 2020年第2期24-28,40,共6页 The Education of Innovative Talents
关键词 核心素养 高中物理 教学设计 评价性学习任务 high school physics teaching design evaluative learning task
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