

Conditions,New situations and Promotion Strategies of the Belt and Road Expansion in Northeast Asia
摘要 东北亚是“一带一路”合作的重要节点。推动我国与东北亚国家之间的互联互通对于振兴东北老工业基地,促进中国及东北亚国家经济发展,以及加强区内政治互信保证东北亚地区安全稳定具有重要意义。目前地区内国家政治关系缓和,“一带一路”共识增强,制度化合作进程加快,区域合作动力增强。未来我国要抓住机遇,巩固与各国的政治互信,处理好与美国的关系;以冰上丝绸之路、第三方市场合作及对朝经贸合作为抓手打造新的合作增长点;发挥东北各省在对东北亚合作中的排头兵作用;整合多种合作机制,推动三圈融合打造东北亚经济圈。 Northeast Asia is an important node in the B&R cooperation.Promoting the interconnection between China and the Northeast Asian countries is of great significance for revitalizing the old industrial base in the northeast,promoting the economic development of China and Northeast Asian countries,and strengthening the political mutual trust in the region to ensure the security and stability of whole Northeast Asia.Despite the uncertainty of Sino-Japanese relations and the North Korean nuclear issue as well as the challenges of protectionist shocks from the U.S.,the conditions for the B&R expansion in Northeast Asia have tended to improve.At present,the political relations between countries in the Northeast have been eased,the B&R initiative consensus strengthened,the process of institutionalized cooperation quickening,and the impetus for regional cooperation enhanced.China and other countries in Northeast Asia have made great progress in“The Five-Connectivity Program”.In the future,China should seize the opportunity to consolidate political mutual trust with other countries and treat the US relationship well;take the“Polar Silk Road”,third-party market cooperation and economic and trade cooperation with the North Korea as the starting points to create new cooperation growth;give play to the leading role of northeast provinces in cooperation with the Northeast Asia;integrate various cooperation mechanisms to promote the integration of the“three circles”to create the Northeast Asian economic circle.
作者 王秋兰 Wang Qiulan(School of Economics and Business Administration,Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China)
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期98-109,186,共13页 Academic Exchange
基金 黑龙江省高校基本科研业务费黑龙江大学专项资金项目基地重点项目(HDJDZ201601)。
关键词 “一带一路” 东北亚 互联互通 第三方市场 三圈融合 the B&R Initiative the northeast Asia the third-party market fusion of“three circles”
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