After "the Belt and Road" is proposed, its connotation has been enriched. For a long time, there has been a laggard in the regional econom-ic cooperation in Northeast Asia, due to the confinement of the realistic geopolit- ical environment. Driven by "the Belt and Road" Initiative, it is both possible and practical to promote the construction of the sub-regional cooperation of the "Sino-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor", the "Sino-North and South Korea economic circle" as well as the "Sino-Korea-Japan free trade area". The integra- tion of "the Belt and Road" Strategy with the existing frameworks of the North- east Asia will not only contribute to the economic revival of China's Northeast, but also promote the regional economic collaboration in Northeast Asia. " The Belt and Road" Initiative provides a new avenue for the regional cooperation in Northeast Asia.
Journal of China's Neighboring Diplomacy
ds The Belt and Road
Northeast Asia
Regional Cooperation