
中国化马克思主义党建理论体系的生成逻辑与核心观点探讨 被引量:4

The Generation Logic and Core Viewpoints of Sinicized Marxist Theoretical System on Party Construction
摘要 探讨中国化马克思主义党建理论体系是繁荣发展“党的建设”学科的关键议题。中国共产党成立98年来,从毛泽东到习近平,面对革命战争年代的残酷斗争、建设年代的艰辛探索、改革年代的严峻挑战和新时代的崭新使命,始终坚持以马克思主义党建理论为指导,以改革创新的精神加强党的建设伟大工程,集中回答了“建设一个什么样的党”和“怎样建设党”的共同主题,推动了马克思主义党建理论中国化进程,形成了一系列契合时代性要求的崭新观点。其中,毛泽东党建理论标志着中国化马克思主义党建理论体系的初步形成;中国特色社会主义党建理论推动着中国化马克思主义党建理论体系的进一步发展。新时代党的建设永远在路上,中国化马克思主义党建理论体系亟待继续完善与发展。 Exploring the sinicization of Marxist theories on party building in China is an issue of key importance to the prosperity and development of discipline of“Party Construction”.Over the past 98 years since the founding of the Communist Party of China,against the backdrop of different stages of development ranging from the cruel struggle in the era of revolutionary war to the arduous exploration in the era of socialist construction,from the severe challenges in the era of reform and opening-up to the new missions of the New Era,Chinese top leaders from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping have always been committed to the guidance of Marxism in terms of party building,calling for continued efforts to forge ahead with the new great project of Party building in a spirit of reform and innovation.They have been pooling their wisdom to address the recurring themes of“what kind of Party to build”and“how to build the Party”,which have resulted in new developments in the sinicization of Marxist theories on party building as well as a series of new points of view that fit the requirements of the times.Among these,Mao Zedong’s theory of Party construction marks the initial formation of the sinicized Marxist theoretical system on Party construction,while the theories of socialist Party construction with Chinese characteristics further promote development of sinicized Marxist theoretical system on Party construction.In a nutshell,Party construction in the New Era is always on the way,and sinicized Marxist theoretical system on Party construction needs to be further improved and developed onward.
作者 刘锋 LIU Feng(School of Marxism,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2019年第6期83-90,共8页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金项目“新时代党的意识形态凝聚力和引领力提升研究”,项目编号:19YJC710039 北京高校中国特色社会主义理论研究协同创新中心(北京工业大学)科研项目“新时代党的基层组织建设质量提升路径研究”,项目编号:JK027004201601
关键词 中国化马克思主义 “党的建设”学科 党建理论体系 马克思主义中国化 sinicized Marxism discipline of“Party Construction” theoretical system on Party construction sinicization of Marxism
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