辽河石化分公司减粘裂化装置改炼辽河超稠油的减压渣油后 ,分馏塔顶系统由HCl -H2 S -HCN -有机酸 -H2 O引起的电化学腐蚀严重 ,其中油水分离器局部腐蚀速率达 3.1mm/a ,12AlMoV管束的空冷器运行不足两个月即发生泄漏。塔顶系统采用BZH - 1中和缓蚀剂、无机氨BZH - 913油溶性缓蚀剂综合注剂方案 。
When the feedstock of the visbreaking unit in Liaohe Petrochemical Company was changed to vacuum residue of Liaohe Heavy Crude, the overhead system of the fractionator suffered from severe electro-chemical corrosion from HCl-H 2S-HCN-organic acid- H 2O. The pitting corrosion rate of oil/water separator was 3.1 mm/yr and the 12AlMoV air cooler tubes leaked in less than two months' operation. The application of BZH-1 neutralizer, inorganic ammonia BZH-913 oil-soluble corrosion inhibitor in the overhead system has effectively controlled the development of the corrosion.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry