炼制高硫原油的蒸馏塔顶冷凝段属H2 S -HCl -H2 O型腐蚀 ,采用传统的注氨、注缓蚀剂方法存在着pH值不易控制、防腐蚀效果差等不足。通过改注有机胺后 ,解决了蒸馏塔顶初凝区温度、高pH值不易控制的问题 ,防腐蚀效果明显好转。
The overhead condensing system of crude distillation column suffered H 2-HCl-H 2O corrosion. The conventional injection of ammonia and corrosion inhibitor could not solve the problem of pH control and poor corrosion protection. When the organic amine was injected into the system, all these problems and high temperature of primary condensing zone of the overhead system of the distillation tower were solved. The corrosion protection result has been significantly improved.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry