当用两块平板玻璃制作出的空气劈尖顶角发生变化时 ,应用CCD可观察到劈尖表面移动的干涉条纹 在此基础上 ,设计了用锥角偏差来改变空气劈尖顶角的圆锥锥角的光学测量方法 ,并由导出的锥角偏差与移过某一点的干涉条纹数之间的关系式 ,对圆锥锥角进行计算 通过与千分表法的对比测量 ,结果表明 ,等厚干涉测法不仅可行 。
When the angle of an air wedge that is formed by two flat glass plates is changed, the moving interference fringes can be observed by means of CCD. Based on this phenomenon, an optical method is designed in measuring cone angle by the variation of wedge angle which is caused by the deviation of cone angle. The relation between the deviation of cone angle and the number of the moving interference fringes through a certain point can be determined as well as the cone angle. The results verify that the method is feasible and has much higher accuracy than the method of dial gage.
Journal of Jiangsu University:Natural Science Edition