
经济发达地区农村居民点生产居住空间权衡关系解析 被引量:18

Trade-off of productive and dwelling space of rural settlement in developed areas
摘要 农村居民点生产居住空间权衡关系解析是农村居民点用地内部结构调整和农村人居环境改善的科学基础。社会经济转型期,经济发达地区的农村居民点生产居住空间逐渐多样化,各类空间呈现此消彼长的权衡变化,显著区别于传统农区村庄生产居住空间的废弃和空心化。当前研究多将农村居民点视为一个整体,少有对其内在复杂空间的系统解析。该文引入生态系统服务权衡概念,基于“权衡类型-驱动力-效应”框架系统解析经济发达地区农村居民点生产居住空间权衡关系,并据此提出农村居民点生产居住空间优化的思路。结果表明:1)根据生产居住空间组合关系,将农村居民点生产居住空间权衡类型分为居住-工业空间权衡型、居住-商业空间权衡型、居住-出租空间权衡型、多空间权衡型4类;2)土地利用多功能性是引发农村居民点生产居住空间权衡的前提,农户依据其生产生活需求变化能动的改造农村居民点,直接决定了其生产居住空间权衡类型及变化,而土地利用控制及村庄规划缺位则加剧了农村居民点生产居住空间权衡过程;3)农村居民点生产居住空间权衡提高了农户生计水平和农村发展活力,也引发了各类空间混杂和农村人居住环境恶化等问题;4)将农村居民点视为均质空间的重构模式与农户需求相差甚远,未来应通过农村居民点用地多功能复合及功能优化提升,满足建设用地紧缺背景下农户的多元需求和农村居民点生产居住空间优化的目标。研究提出了农村居民点生产居住空间权衡概念,为农村居民点转型研究提供了新视角,为解决农村空间与人居环境混乱,推动形成科学合理的村庄规划提供了新思路。 It has great significance to study the trade-off mechanism of productive and dwelling space of rural settlement and the optimized of its productive and dwelling space nowadays in China, which is one of the basic means to improve the rural habitat environment and adjust the inner structure of rural residential land. With the development of socio-economic, productive and dwelling space of rural settlements gradually diversified in developed areas such as suburban areas and industrial areas in eastern China, which present reciprocal tradeoffs. These changes distinguish from the abandonment and hollowing of productive and dwelling space of rural settlements in traditional agricultural area. However, current researches mainly consider the rural settlement as a single entity and tend to neglect its inner productive and dwelling space. This paper introduces the concept of ecosystem service trade-off, analyzes the trade-off between productive space and dwelling space of rural settlements in economically developed areas from the aspects of “types of trade-off, driving forces, effects,” and then this paper puts forward the idea of optimizing the productive and dwelling space of rural settlement. The results show that, the trade-off of productive and dwelling space of rural settlements which in developed areas, is caused by the diversification of farmers' livelihood and the development of non-agricultural industries in rural areas, farmers have a demand for living apace, industrial and commercial space, and choose various functional spaces according to their needs. According to the spatial combination of productive space and dwelling space of rural settlement, the trade-off types can be divided into residential-industrial space trade-off, residential-commercial space trade-off, residential-rental space trade-off, multi-space trade-off and so on. Land use versatility and the diversification of productive and dwelling space of rural settlement that driven by industrialization and urbanization is the premise of the product
作者 张佰林 姜广辉 曲衍波 Zhang Bailin;Jiang Guanghui;Qu Yanbo(School of Economics and Management, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387, China;School of Resources Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;School of Public Management, Shandong University of Finance and Economic, Jinan 250014, China)
出处 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第13期253-261,共9页 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41801193,41671519,41771560,41701194) 天津市科技发展战略研究计划项目(17ZLZXZF00170) 天津市高等学校创新团队培养计划(TD13-5038)
关键词 农村 农村居民点 生产居住空间 权衡 驱动力 效应 村庄规划 rural areas rural settlement space of productive and dwelling trade-off driving force effect village planning
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