
高中物理课程标准中的科学本质教育研究 被引量:20

The Study on the Nature of Science in the Physics Curriculum Standard for General Senior High School
摘要 我国教育部最新修订的2017年版高中物理课程标准明确提出科学本质教育的要求。基于国际科学本质教育的最新研究成果构建了包括内容和复杂度的科学本质二维分析框架,对“2017版课标”和“实验稿”内容标准中的相关条目进行了统计和对比分析。结果表明:2017版课标中科学本质教育强调次数更多,比例更大,涉及方面更全,要求更高,并据此提出了相应建议。 The newly revised Physics Curriculum Standards for General High School (2017 Edition) by the Ministry of Education in China clearly puts forward the requirements for the nature of science (NOS). Based on the latest research results of NOS, this paper constructs a two-dimensional analysis framework of NOS aspects and complexity, makes a statistical and comparative analysis of the relevant contents in Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition) and Curriculum Standards (Trial Edition). The results show that Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition), emphasized NOS education more times and involves more aspects of NOS. Besides, there are higher requirements for NOS in Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition) than in Curriculum Standards(Trial Edition). According to the results, this paper puts forward some suggestions.
作者 杨杰 郭玉英 Yang Jie;Guo Yuying(Department of Physics,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期113-119,共7页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
关键词 科学本质 高中物理 课程标准 nature of science physics in high school curriculum standard
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