

Interpretation of Lawrence’s Class Consciousness in Lady Chatterley’s Lover from the Perspective of the Code Theory
摘要 罗兰·巴特提出了符码理论,意指文本可以用意素符码、布局符码、象征符码、文化符码和阐释符码五种符码进行解读。运用这一理论对劳伦斯的《查泰莱夫人的情人》进行符号学解读。意素符码体现了固化的阶级,小说人物是那个时代英国各个阶级的典型代表;其行为方式也受根深蒂固的阶级思想的影响。布局符码阐释了人的活动受到了阶级影响及思维和社会的规约,阶级思想影响人的行为方式,与此同时人的行为方式又促进了思维方式的固化,使不同阶级的人各据一方,互不来往。象征符码说明庄园不仅仅是贵族阶级的居所,而且代表上层人士的生活方式,象征着阶级的封闭性。同时各种庄园的维护与拆毁体现出新旧英格兰的交替社会变革之时,人们的生活方式、生产方式和思想观念都会发生变化。文化符码探讨在这样变革的社会背景下,不同阶级的生活与道德观念的转变。在20世纪的英国工业革命的进程与特有的阶级结构相互交织,由此形成了特有的局面。劳伦斯通过小说人物梅勒斯来实现其淡化阶级之间的界限的理想,而阐释符码就是论证了劳伦斯对于打破阶级隔阂的美好向往。 Roland Barthes proposed the code theory,according to which texts can be interpreted with sememe,narrative,symbolic,cultural and hermeneutic codes.The code theory is applied to the interpretion of Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover.Code sememe embodies the solidified class,and the characters in the novel were typical representatives of all different classes in Britain in that era and the human behavior was also influenced by the deeply-rooted class ideology.Code narration explains that people's activities were restricted by class,thinking and social constraints,and the class thought also affected the way of human behavior,which promoted the solidification of the way of thinking,making people of different classes separate from each other.Code symbol states that manors were not only the residence of the noble class,but represented the lifestyle of the upper class,symbolizing the closure of class.Simultaneously,people's production mode,life style and ideology all changed at the time,and the maintenance and demolition of various manors reflected the change of new and Old English society.Code culture explores the life and moral concept changes of different classes in the context of such social transformations.The process of the industrial revolution in Britain in the 20th century and the unique class structure interwove with each other,forming a unique situation.Code hermeneutics demonstrates Lawrence's great aspiration of eliminating class barriers to achieve his ideal of weakening class boundaries through the main character of the novel-Mellors.
作者 林舒畅 李涛 LIN Shu-chang;LI Tao(College of Foreign Languages,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,Fujian Province,China;Department of Foreign Languages,Chaoyang Teachers College,Chaoyang 122000,Liaoning Province,China)
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第1期124-128,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯 罗兰·巴特 符码理论 《查泰莱夫人的情人》 阶级意识 David Herbert Lawrence Roland Barthes code theory Lady Chatterley's Lover class consciousness
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