
“一带一路”倡议在印度洋核心岛国的进展及阻力 被引量:4

The Advance of and Impediment to the “Belt and Road” Initiative in the Core Island Countries of the Indian Ocean
摘要 印度洋是“丝绸之路经济带”与“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的交汇地带,印度洋核心岛国在印度洋地区战略地位重要。中国发展与印度洋核心岛国的关系,对在这些国家顺利推进“一带一路”倡议具有重要意义,兼具战略、政治、经济内涵。“一带一路”倡议提出并实施以来,中国与印度洋核心岛国在“五通”方面的合作颇具成效,但与此同时也受到一系列国际、地区、国家层面的制约和挑战。有鉴于此,中国应加强与各方的沟通与合作、加大对印度洋核心岛国的战略投入,构建系统战略与维系支点国家并重,从而推动“一带一路”倡议与印度洋核心岛国的深度对接与发展。 The Indian Ocean is the intersection of China’s“Silk Road Economic Belt”and the“21st Century Maritime Silk Road”initiatives,while the core island states take important strategic locations in the Indian Ocean.Developing relations with these island states is of great significance for China to promote its“Belt and Road”initiative there,which assumes a great strategic,political and economic significance.Since its introduction and implementation,the“Belt and Road”initiative has made fruitful achievements in“wutong”(policy,infrastructure,trade,financial and people-to-people connectivity)with the core island states of the Indian Ocean,while facing a series of constraints and challenges at international,regional and state levels,mainly involving the impacts brought about by major country game,interference from India,potential threats in nontraditional security,political risks existing in the core island countries of the Indian Ocean,and self-constraint on the part of China.Therefore,China should envisage the significance of the core island states in the Indian Ocean,strengthen its bilateral and multilateral relations with them,and interact in a positive way with countries both inside and outside of the region so as to promote the advance of the“Belt and Road”initiative in the core island states of the Indian Ocean and its in-depth synergy with the development strategies of these countries.
作者 孟亮 Meng Liang(Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies)
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2019年第2期101-116,136,137,共18页 Peace and Development
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题公关项目“世界海洋大国的海洋发展战略研究”(16JZD029)阶段性成果
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