
德国高校人事制度改革中W型工资的创设、争议与启示 被引量:4

The Creation,Controversy and Enlightenment of W-type Wage in the Reform of Personnel System in German Colleges and Universities
摘要 目前绩效工资制度改革已成为推动我国高校"双一流"建设的重要抓手,然而其在实践中也引发了教师之间差距不合理扩大等问题,为此可以借鉴德国高校人事制度改革中创设W型工资的经验。W型工资是在新公共管理运动的影响下为提升行政效能由联邦议会制定《教授工资改革法》而引入的。W型工资的生效实现了德国高校教授的工资结构从重视工龄向注重绩效的体系转变,也因而引发了学术争议和宪法争议。联邦宪法法院通过解释基本法规定的赡养原则和绩效工资之间的关系,调适了W型工资可能带来的教授工资差距扩大问题。这对于完善我国高校的绩效工资制度改革有着重要的借鉴意义,即要按照实体公正和程序公正相结合的要求,运用法治化的手段破解高等教育改革中的难题。 At present, the reform of performance wage system has become an important grasp to promote the construction of “double first-class” in China’s universities. However, in practice, it leads to the unreasonable enlargement of the gap between teachers. Therefore, we can learn from the experience of creating W-type salary in the reform of personnel system in German Colleges and Universities. Under the influence of the new public administration movement, the W-type salary was introduced by the Federal Parliament to enact the Professor’s Wage Reform Act in order to improve administrative efficiency. The entry into force of W-type wages realized the change of wage structure in German colleges and universities from paying attention to length of service to paying attention to performance, which aroused controversy in academic and constitutional circles. The Federal Constitutional Court adjusted the widening gap of professor’s salary caused by W-type salary by explaining the relationship between the maintenance principle and performance salary in the Basic Law. This has important reference significance for improving the reform of performance pay system in China’s colleges and universities. In accordance with the requirements of combining substantive justice with procedural justice, we should solve the difficult problems in the reform of higher education by means of legalization.
作者 叶强 YE Qiang(Research Center for Legal Development and Judicial Reform, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,Wuhan, Hubei 430073, China)
出处 《湖南师范大学教育科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期48-55,共8页 Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 人事制度改革 W型工资 C型工资 绩效工资制度改革 the reform of personnel system W-type wage C-type wage the reform of performance wage system
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