
无核葡萄新品种‘紫丰’的选育 被引量:8

A new seedless grape cultivar ‘Zifeng'
摘要 ‘紫丰’是以‘红宝石无核’为母本‘,黑爱莫’为父本,田间杂交后通过胚挽救技术选育出的无核葡萄新品种。该品种早果,丰产性好,平均单穗质量435 g,平均单粒质量4.4 g,果粒为鸡心形,果皮紫黑色,易着色,皮薄,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)18.50%,可溶性糖含量13.60%,可滴定酸含量0.32%,维生素C含量0.003 8%。果肉细脆,品质上等。在甘肃兰州地区露地4月下旬发芽,6月初开花,8月下旬至9月上旬成熟,植株生长势较强,成花容易,具有较强的抗性和适应性,易于管理。 ‘Zifeng’is a new seedless grape cultivar selected from the crossing of‘Ruby Seedless’בBlack Emerald’in 2006. It was initially selected in 2008 for its good appearance, good quality and strong adaptability. Through artificial crossing technology, 1 500 seeds were got in 2009. After regional adaptability testing in different sites (including the middle, northwest, and southeast part of Gansu province), it was finally selected. We applied for the registration as a new cultivar and got identification certificate from Crop Variety Approval Committee of Gansu Province in 2012.‘Zifeng’is diploid plant. The young shoot tip is opened, and the color is yellow-green with purple reddish. The woody shoots have a red-brown skin and stripes, its tendrils are interval. Young leaves have an invisible green color and without downy hairs. The shape of mature leaf is cordate, the surface of leaf is flat and smooth with green color. Leaf margin is serrate with both sides convex and the petiole is U-shaped. The fruit cluster is conical shape, and the weight is 435 g averagely, which length and width is 18 cm, 13 cm respectively, also it grown in trees for a long time with tolerating store and transportation. The berry is red-violent color, long round shape, and average weight is 4.4 g, and the longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter are 2.1 cm, 1.6 cm respectively. The berries are with crisp pericarp, crisp flesh, middle juice and pleasant sweetness and sourness. The contents of soluble solids, total sugar, total acid, vitamin C is 18.5%, 13.6%, 0.32%, 0.0038% respectively. The time from bud breaking to harvest is about 123 d, its maturity date at late August in Lanzhou area.‘Zifeng’, having a wide adaptability, can cultivated in the northwest, northern of China. And it has some good characteristics containing early fruit, high yield, stable yield, and strong disease and cold resistance. The second year of planting young trees can bear fruit, and the third year will reach the full fruit stage, also within t
作者 郝燕 杨瑞 王玉安 张坤 李红旭 HAO Yan;YANG Rui;WANG Yu’an;ZHANG Kun;LI Hongxu(Fruit and Floriculture Research Institute,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou 730070,Gansu,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期533-536,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家葡萄产业技术体系(CARS-29-23) 甘肃省农业科技创新专项(2014GAAS04) 农业部西北地区果树科学观测实验站(10218020) 农业部园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室(10218020) 适宜城郊发展的香味葡萄新品种引进与栽培模式研究(GNKJ-2016-12)
关键词 无核葡萄 新品种 '紫丰’ Seedless grape New cultivar 'Zifeng'
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