
玫瑰香味葡萄新品种‘瑞都科美’的选育 被引量:5

A new muscat flavor table grape variety 'Ruidukemei'
摘要 ‘瑞都科美’是从‘意大利’בMuscat Louis’杂交后代中选育出的玫瑰香味葡萄新品种,果穗圆锥形,平均单穗质量502.5 g,平均单粒质量7.2 g,果粒椭圆形或卵圆形,含种子2~3粒,果皮黄绿色,具有玫瑰香味,可溶性固形物含量为17.20%,可滴定酸含量为0.50%。连年结果能力强,在北京地区8月下旬成熟。 s: ' Ruidukemei' is a yellow green, early to middle season table grape variety (Vitis vinifera) with good eating quality. The original plant was imported from Hungary in 2000, which was the progeny between 'Italia' and 'Muscat Louis'. The vines were propagated by cuttings and planted with the row space of 2.5 m and vine space of 1.5 m, it was very productive and had early fruiting capacity, the berries had yellow skin color and strong Muscat flavor. It was evaluated in regional trials in the districts of Yanqing, Haidian and Pinggu of Beijing, the varieties of 'Xiangfei', 'Italia' and 'Pearl of Csaba' were also includ- ed as controls. It was finally released as 'Ruidukemei' atier validation through the Committee of Beijing Cultivar Registration and has good market potential for the traits of muscat flavor and large berry. ' Ruid- ukemei' is a diploid Vitis vinifera. The vigor of the vine is medium. The shoot tip is half open with no hair, the shoot is upright, distribution and intensity of anthocyanin coloration in shoot tip is light, density of prostrate hairs on tip is medium, density of erect hairs on tip is sparse. The tendril is discontinuous and bi- furcated, the color is near yellow-green. The bud is slightly pointed and slightly held out, anthocyanin col- oration of buds is strong. The color of dorsal and ventral side of internodes is green with red strips. The up- per surface of a young leaf is pea green (R.H.S. 61/2) color while the undersurface of a young leaf is Spin- ach Green (R.H.S. 960/2) color. Average intensity of anthocyanin coloration of six distal leaves prior to flowering is weak. Density of erect hairs between veins at lower surface of 4th distal unfolded leaf is medi- um, density of prostrate hairs between veins at lower surface is strong, density of erect hairs on veins at lower surface is medium, density of prostrate hairs on veins at lower surface is strong. The shape of the mature leaves is pentagonal with undulate sides, medium thickness.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期1624-1627,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-29-yc-4)
关键词 葡萄 新品种 '瑞都科美’ 香味 中熟 Grape New cultivar ' Ruidukemei' Aroma Middle-ripening
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