
股东出资义务加速到期研究 被引量:25

Study on the Acceleration of Shareholder's Contribution Obligation
摘要 2013年我国《公司法》修改后,公司资本缴纳制度变为认缴制度,股东获得前所未有的出资自由,同时,我国法律并未规定相应的配套制度,理论界和实务界因而为此争议不断。反对股东出资义务加速到期的学者提出了部分替代路径,这些路径并不能完全解决公司债权人的保护问题,作为一种平衡股东出资自由与保护债权的措施,是否要将其引入我国公司法,有不同的观点。有加速到期制度与股东出资自由相匹配,是公司法资本原则的具体体现,也是在股东有限责任原则之下维护公司债权人利益的手段。在规范适用上,由于我国没有明确的法律规定和司法解释,应当适用我国《公司法》第3条第2款和扩张解释《最高人民法院〈中华人民共和国公司法〉若干问题的规定(三)》第13条第2款。股东出资义务的加速到期的实质是在公司之后承担补充责任。股东出资义务加速到期仅仅指的是出资时间点尚未届至的情况。股东出资期限既可以理解为时间点,也可以理解为期限,以具体的公司章程约定或者出资的协议而定,若为期间则可随时出资,不受具体时间点的限制。 After the revision of Company Law of China in 2013, thecapital payment system in has been reformed intothe subscription system, and shareholders have been given unprecedented freedom of investment. However,the corresponding supporting system has not been established in China, sothere are many disputes in the theoretical and practical circles. There aredifferent views on whether it is necessary to introduce into Company Law of China accelerating shareholders’ capital contribution as a measure to balance the freedom of shareholders’ investment and the protection of creditors. Some scholars have proposed some alternative paths, which do not completely resolve the issue of creditors protection. Acceleration system matches the shareholders’ freedom of investment,is a concrete manifestation of capital principles of company law,and is also a means to safeguard the interests of company ’s creditors under the principle of limited liability of shareholders. In terms of the application of norms, since there is no clear legal provision or judicial interpretation in China, Paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Company Law shall be applied and Paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Regulations( III) of the Supreme People’s Court on Certain Issues Concerning the Application of Company Law of the People’s Republic of China shall be interpreted in extensive sense. The essence of acceleration of the shareholder’s contribution obligation is to make shareholders assumethe supplementary responsibility after the company. The term of shareholders’ contribution could be understood either as a time point or as a period, depending on the specific stipulation in articles of association or the investment agreement. The acceleration of shareholder’s contribution obligation only relates to the situation that the time point of contribution has not yet expired. If it is a period of time, the capital may be contributed at any time without limitation by specific time point.
作者 刘铭卿 Liu Mingqing
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《政治与法律》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期153-161,152,共10页 Political Science and Law
关键词 公司法 出资 认缴 替代路径 债权人保护 Contribution Subscription Alternative Way Creditors Protection
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