In the contemporary era, due to the severity of environmental problems, the organic philosophy,represented by Whitehead, and John B. Cobb, Jr., is sought after by the academic community. The prevailing view believes that the cause of the contemporary environmental problems lies in anthropocentric epistemological fallacy, neglecting human’s dependence on the natural environment. The organic philosophy elucidates the dependence of human on the natural environment from the perspective of holism,emphasizing respecting nature and conforming to nature, which, to a certain extent, dispels the subjectivity of human. It is a good way to solve contemporary environmental problems and even the ecologicalcrisis. However, what is perplexing is that although the epistemological fallacies of the human environment have been clarified, the environmental problems and even the ecological crisis that humanity isfacing are still severe, which, to some extent, leads to the value crisis of the contemporary organic phi-losophy. Careful study shows the reasons why contemporary organic philosophy: On the one hand, themisunderstanding of the connotations and characteristics of the organic philosophy in the academic com-munity confuses the connotations and disciplinary boundaries of the organic philosophy and the environ-mental philosophy, and on the other hand, the academic community underestimate the complexity andseverity of the contemporary ecological problems, and unconsciously exaggerate the ecological valuefunction of organic philosophy. Therefore, it is necessary for us to clarify the fallacies, reasonably assessthe theoretical value of organic philosophy.
Jiangsu Social Sciences